US Should Invade Israel!

Discussion in 'America Attacks!' started by LaughinWillow, May 20, 2004.

  1. Brocktoon

    Brocktoon Banned

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    Is it just me or does anyone else see some inevitable conclusions over the next few years:

    Arabs will be pushed out, forced out, moved out of Israel.

    Israel will prosper and grow including the return of a lot of American Jews

    SOME Arab country will nuke/attack/invade Israel (probably Iran Syria combo

    Israel will carry out its 'Samson complex' and simply kick the living hell out of the Middle East until its a pile of ruins and scared camels.

    After that happens... who knows?
    I suspect that Russian, China, India, and Europe will all make a deserate attempt to rush in and 'peacekeep' (aka lay claim to Oil) of the now destroyed Islamic world.

    I think at least one of those predictions is inevitable.
  2. Mari

    Mari Member

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    Excuse me you are the one doing the bashing and I have offered my opinions and info on the subject. Yours however was extremely hard to understand. Sober posts are easier to read. ;)
  3. gonzobug

    gonzobug Visitor

    I take back part of that, i noticed you did post earlier with a pretty honest assesment of the situation( which I agree with totally), but then you referrd to someone elses reply as bullshit and the nreplyed to mine saying i didnt know what i was talking about, thats what i meant by bashing, if you disagree fine, but you could explain why you feel differently or share some info links or somethin, maybe enlighten someone to something they didnt know, use the space for something productive , replies like that can make it look like your trying to provoke an argument , and there are enough people trying to do that deliberately!!
  4. MaxPower

    MaxPower Kicker Of Asses

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    Are you kidding? The Israeli army has it's hands full just occupying Israel itself and taking care of the PLO. After a nuke? They'd be devastated and fall to your Syrian/Iranian ground force in days.
  5. Changeyourlatitude

    Changeyourlatitude Banned

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    It will be the US that will nuke the Islamic countries if the Iraq war fails and the American homeland is attacked from Iraq. We will not return with troops!

    Israel can start WWIII any day it chooses.

  6. LickHERish

    LickHERish Senior Member

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    And that would just warm your jingoistic heart wouldnt it?
  7. charredacacia

    charredacacia Member

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    The jewish people do need a homeland. Don't try to tell me that Israel is genocidal. Look at the numbers. Also, how is Israel occupying Palestine? THERE IS NO SUCH PLACE AS PALESTINE! There never has been. (though, hopefully, soon there will be a Palestinian state) I am opposed to the military presence, but I suppose the government over there feels powerless against the terrorism. (don't try to tell me that they are freedom fighters, freedom fighters do not blow up school busses) Sharon is a dick. Arafat is an asshole. We should clear out the whole place, and try to start again. (never gunna happen)
  8. cynical_otter

    cynical_otter Bleh!

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    Nukes! Nukes! Nukes!

    I have always been in favor of nuking that whole hunk of land and turning into a Club Med.

    that would shut them all up.

    orrrrr....we could nuke it...and when the fallout clears...we can turn into a huge HipForums commune filled with fun and debauchery.

    pot would be legal and free.
  9. charredacacia

    charredacacia Member

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    There we go! Best idea i've heard today!
  10. LaughinWillow

    LaughinWillow Member

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    Whether there was a place "officially" called Palestine doesn't change the fact that the Palestinian people have been thrown off land they have occupied for thousands of years by a colonial power, abused, murdered by the thousands, and forced to live in an apartheid state controlled by people completely assured of their supremecy as the "chosen people" on this planet.

    Arguing that Palestinians have no rights is tantamount to arguing that it was perfectly ok to slaughter the native americans and stick them on reservations because they didn't have a "country" called "NativeAmerica." It's ridiculous.
  11. charredacacia

    charredacacia Member

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    Its not about slaughter. Israel has made many more than fair offers about creating a palestinian state. Both sides are being ridiculous. The "palestinian" authority is just as genocidal (if not moreso) as the Israeli one. Israel just wants to exist. "Palestine" wants to wipe Israel off the map.

    "We Palestinians will take over everything, including all of Jerusalem....All the rich Jews who will get compensation will travel to America....We of the PLO will now concentrate all our efforts on splitting Israel psychologically into two camps. Within five years we will have six to seven million Arabs living in the West Bank and in Jerusalem....You understand that we plan to eliminate the State of Israel and establish a purely Palestinian State....I have no use for Jews; they are and remain Jews. We now need all the help we can get from you in our battle for a united Palestine under total Arab-Muslim domination!" - Yasser Arafat, January 30, 1996, "The Impending Total Collapse of Israel", Stockholm, Sweden
  12. BraveSirRubin

    BraveSirRubin Members

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    in the 20th century, the Palestinians had no control of the land at all. It was controlled by the Turks, and then the British. Those were the two nations that were "kicked out" of the land. The Palestinian people have never had any legal authority of it.

    The land was always disputed. Held by Greeks, Romans, and Mesopotamian nations for hundreds of years in turn.

    Israel got that land in a peaceful process, which was approved by the UN. After the land was given to Israel by the Britons, who were the legal holders at the time.

    There is no system of aparthied because the palestinian people have no claim to the land, and are just as much native as the Jewish people.
  13. BraveSirRubin

    BraveSirRubin Members

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    You cannot blame the entire "palestinian authority". The terrorist groups "Hamas", "Jihad", "Fattah", etc. are the ones that will never agree to let Israel exist, no matter what peace treaty is made b/w the Israeli government and the Palestinian Authority.

    Arafat himself is a terrorist, which is why he no longer holds complete govern over the palestinian people.
  14. BraveSirRubin

    BraveSirRubin Members

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    1) The Beduins will never be pushed out. Other than that, there are way too many Arabs to be pushed out, and the ISraeli construction manufecturing buisness depands on them. They will not be pushed out.

    2) The American Jews are better off in America.

    3) That will never happen. THose nations posses no nukes, and do not have the military power to invade Israel.

    4) That would be idiotic.

    5) No.
  15. charredacacia

    charredacacia Member

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    They have often invaded Israel before, and for Israel, the proposed new borders are strategic suicide. (i.e. cut Isarael in half) I am unsure as to the nuclear status of those countries, though it is possible that some country obtained a warhead on the black market at some point. (Pakistan has nukes, and is a breeding ground for Islamism)
  16. Floyder

    Floyder Member

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    Knowing some Jewish people, and being able to hear their own side of the conflict really made me change my views about Israel. I think alot of what Israel does is moronic, but its not like every single person in Israel supports their government's policies and what it does. If the arabs do ever plan to invade, I'd imagine they'll win, though its hard to say exactly how they'll do it.
  17. Brocktoon

    Brocktoon Banned

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    Hope your right.. .but I doubt it.
  18. charredacacia

    charredacacia Member

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    Word on the street in Israel is that there is likely to be an invasion relatively soon. A few friends of mine, though not Israeli citizens yet, want to serve in the IDF when they get out of school. (and i try to tell them that "The Pioneers of a warless world are the youth who refuse military service"-Einstein)
    They don't listen and it makes me sad. I am a Zionist, but I am also a peacenik.
    Don't let the fundamentalists confuse you. Zionism is the belief in a Jewish homeland in Israel. It has nothing to do with killing anybody, or driving them out for that matter. Zionism is not racism.
    I really don't know when there will be an invasion, but it is more than likely that there will be, unless peace is made somehow.
    How many more people will die over a strip of land that is smaller than New Jersey? How many have died already? Too many have died. Hey guys, way to spoil a Holy Land.
  19. LaughinWillow

    LaughinWillow Member

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    Lol. Claiming that the British had "legal" control of the land where Palestinians lived is absurd. Just like America had "legal" control of South Dakota when they killed the people there. I'm not talking about some bullshit western version of warmongering "land rights" ("we killed you and took your land, so it's LEGALLY ours!") here - I'm talking about indigenous land rights, which are rarely even recognized (not suprising since the people asked to recognize these rights are occupiers) - which the Palestinian people had after a couple thousand years on the land.

    The majority of "Jews," by the way, are NOT descendents of the people who lived in Israel thousands of years ago. They are primarily the descendents of Europeans and Turkish ancestors. So the Palestinians, who are ethnically from that region, have a FAR GREATER CLAIM to that land. Of course, their rights will be respected about as much as the rights of the Cherokee or Seneca or Inuit peoples' have been.
  20. charredacacia

    charredacacia Member

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    So should the Jewish people not have a homeland? Shall we drive them into the sea?! The "Palestineans" are welcome throughout the region, they would not be persecuted in Arab countries. Throughout the world Jews are persecuted. Someone threw bricks through the window of a nearby synogogue a few months ago, and painted a swatztica on the door. If Israel were dissolved, where do you propose the Jews go? Oh, I know, we'll set up a camp for them and call it Birkenau.

    EDIT: Look, I'm sorry I am getting so emotional about this, but it hits really close to home. I look at my family tree, and say to myself "don't most family trees grow wider? Around 1945, the tree is reduced to one branch. My family is growing again, but back in the '40s, there was no home for the Jews. Nobody wanted to harbor them. Most of my family was turned away from even the United States. Why? Because they were Jews. And Thus a family of 200 was reduced to one. That Is why Israel MUST exist. Because some country needs to look out for the Jewish people, and as has been proven many times, the US only stops genocide if it is financially advantageous for those in power.

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