US Should Invade Israel!

Discussion in 'America Attacks!' started by LaughinWillow, May 20, 2004.

  1. LaughinWillow

    LaughinWillow Member

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    Israel has weapons of mass destruction, which it has threatened and is threatening its neighbors with. It has bombed its neighbors, including destroying a power plant in Iraq and massacring thousands in Lebanon. It abuses, murders, and oppresses its own people. It defies the will of the UN and the people of this planet by consistently violating nearly every part of the Geneva Convention and any standard of human rights every created. It is an apartheid state based on the belief in Jewish supremecy.

    These were all the same "crimes" Iraq was accused of, so if we are using that standard, the US should immediately invade Israel and install a Palestinian-friendly regime. Now.
  2. Mari

    Mari Member

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    I agree!!!

    However I would also like to see Sharon and Arafat packaged together in a neat little box and dumped in the middle of the Atlantic. Let them fight out their personal crap there.

    It's something that you think SHOULD happen for all the reasons you stated, but I don't think the US will ever do it. Look what happened when CNN had some reports in favor of Palestine. There was a huge uproar and boycotts from Jewish organizations all over the US. CNN backed down. :(

    Did the US condem the recent attacks on Gaza along with everyone else? Nope, they sat there and said nothing, and that's just what I expect to see from them when it comes to solving this. NOTHING.
  3. God

    God Member

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    love, remember?
  4. LaughinWillow

    LaughinWillow Member

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    Oh, clearly - my post was sarcasm more than anything, because we all know that when it comes to america's "allies," having nuclear weapons, slaughtering people left and right, and violating every rule of war ever drafted is no problem. The UN even had to "water down" the latest condemnation of Israel's disgusting behavior because the US threatened to veto the statement if it demanded that Israel stop (rather than just saying it was wrong). Horrible.
  5. know1nozme

    know1nozme High Plains Drifter

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    OR the U.S. or U.N. could simply demand that the fighting cease and all parties involved come to the table and work things out by installing Jerusalem as an independent SECULAR City State and pull the Jewish settlements back to the original Israeli borders then drawing up peace accords that everyone could live with. This can be achieved by threatening to carpet bomb the whole State of Isreal (especially Jerusalem) with BACON, if the demands are not met.j/k (but I do think it would work :p )
  6. Mari

    Mari Member

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    I realize you were being sarcastic, it's kind of hard not to be when it comes to this. :(

    The US can't say much as their 80 billion dollars a year goes to fund all those attacks :( If they stopped funding Israel they might have a better chance of actually helping to solve things instead of enabling it.
  7. Mari

    Mari Member

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    Dear God,

    Please remember Exodus, and repeat exchanging Palestine for Egypt.

  8. Megara

    Megara Banned

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    maybe we could give them quebec?
  9. Mari

    Mari Member

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    LOL! Quebec has enough problems. They can't even decide who's allowed to speak what language.
  10. MaxPower

    MaxPower Kicker Of Asses

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    Israel is a major logistical ally of the U.S. (hell, it might as well be the 51st state since we practicaly fucking built it), and losing their support would mean we have no allies in the Middle East (Pakistan? Saudi Arabia? LOL!), and that = bad. Yes, Israel's hands are far from clean, but the actions they have taken have always been provoked. Not to mention it's the only democraticaly elected gov't in a 10,000 mile radius.
  11. Mari

    Mari Member

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  12. Guerry

    Guerry Member

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    Brilliant idea!
    Really, it is most intelligent than I have listened.
  13. freakwentflyer

    freakwentflyer Member

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    First, let me say, I love Jewish people. Not all Jewish people of course but over all I like them in general and individually I have loved many.
    But, if you are critical of Isreal, or you make any coment that's critical of the Jewish community as a whole- You're a nazi !

    And frankly, I'm sick of it.

    Isreal, was created thousands of years ago, by violent agression and religious self-righteousness (Book of Joshua) and it was re-created the same way.
    And it isn't really a true democracy if it only accepts Jews to migrate there, and vote. What if Ireland was only for Irish catholics? What if the U.S. decided that, only protestants could migrate here?

    There are some Jews who are fed up with Isreal, but not enough speaking out against it. The violence could end today, it could have ended years ago.

  14. gonzobug

    gonzobug Visitor

    this is another situation where the UN has proven their true weakness, both sidesd ahve their legitiamte reasons. israel ahs been a target for years, no matter waht they do they wil stil be non islam so stil a target, fighting to preserve and create their own territory is perfectlu in reason, as far as the Palestinians go however, they have been carrying their"occupation" far too long, if this is honestly the right course for them then why dont they occupy the territory and use all force at their disposal to expel the Palestinians once and for all..(not that i condone it just applying simple logic) instead they claim to use"negotiation" and we ahve the current situatuion..

    on the side of the palestians, niot much argument other than the religious one, they believe in fighting for their home pure and simple, which is hard to dispute, but yet they rely on cowardly suicide bombing claiming its the only method they have to fight the Evil Israli regime, then when the TV cameras show up to cover the celebrating their are HUNDREDS of men in the street with rocket launchers and Ak47s! and nations such as Syria that arm the terrorists because they are right to defend themselves, why arent they fighting WITH them is they are so in the right????
    its become a ridiculous situation, and the US being involved can come to no good, Clinton had the tw osides almost agreeing to a peace acord, but stil they resorted to petty bickering an never puled it of, the nW came along and fucked that idea beyond opinion is that the US should just pull out and let them both go, but while the rest of the world criticizes out involvement, they stil expect us to do something as the superpower, so we wil be forever tangled in their afairs there.....
  15. Mari

    Mari Member

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    You know it would help if you actually knew what you were talking about.

    Stop watching TV and go do some research in the net, you can find sites for both sides and make up your mind then.
  16. MaxPower

    MaxPower Kicker Of Asses

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    How exactly is that?
  17. Changeyourlatitude

    Changeyourlatitude Banned

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    Israel is an Indian Reservation created by the UN. The UN is responsible for the Indians safety and security. The UN is responsible for the displacement of citizens to create a reservation. The UN is ineffective in everything it does! The hatred for the UN reservation caused 9-11.

  18. freakwentflyer

    freakwentflyer Member

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  19. Changeyourlatitude

    Changeyourlatitude Banned

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  20. gonzobug

    gonzobug Visitor

    it doesnt matter if my mind is made up, THATS the whole problem with the situation, people who are and arent onvolved in the situation have their own opinions and ideas, and all are different, as far as watching TV that was the POINT of the post, all the bullshit reasonin bein banterin back and forth, no matter how much research is done it would be pointless, it comes down to an us against them situation...which in my opinion( as I stated in the post if you read it!) is that the rest of the world should just stay out of matter right or wrong things will go on as they are
    and I HAVE done research on the net by the way, for another project I was involved in, and even those doing the studying or research cant decide when where and how the problems started, it has become so blown up now that it wil come down to a religious war plain and simple, and there wil never be a reasonable end because of that...
    and by the way, since you know so much why not contribute some info or offer a opinion to provoke though instread of just bashing others or tryin to be an ass?????

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