This was a really good movie. Didnt seem to have any marketing beyond a youtube trailer, and seemed to have totally tanked at the box office, a mere $20 million worldwide in 9 weeks. Not the most original concept, not that anything is nowadays, but turns into a good ole fashioned meaty revenge movie Somewhat expensive looking so its not really a B movie. Liked it a lot better than films like John Wick or the Equalizer. And didnt hurt that the lead actor, the guy that was in Prometheus, is haaawt
He played Ryan atwood's bro in the OC.Fun fact only i care about. Also in the movie Devil... Which I enjoyed.
Just because I said in the first post I liked this movie better than John Wick, doesnt mean I didnt like John Wick Just watched John Wick 3, and it was pretty freakin awesome
Yeah, LOL'd Its bizarre, when I first watched the first one, I was like, omg, this is soooo violent, just ugh, society is going to end etc etc. By the third one, Im like, headshot yes, headshot yes, yeah shoot that fucker in the head Oh, and that scene when they are in the knife shop, throwing knives at each other Im like shifting out of the way so they wouldnt hit me, thats how much I got into that movie
I was a bit disappointed with the lack of guns though as it felt a bit more kung fu with the knives and martial arts. But I guess fans would get bored of constant guns. But after I watched 3 I went and watched 1 & 2 as I'd never really watched them and I think #2 is my favorite.