Updated graphics card drivers now no keyboard/mouse in windows

Discussion in 'Computers and The Internet' started by AceK, Apr 14, 2014.

  1. AceK

    AceK Scientia Potentia Est

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    Sapphire Amd Radeon R9 270x graphics card.

    Just updated drivers and software did a reboot now there is no keyboard or mouse so I can't log in to fix it. I have a wireless Logitech keyboard and mouse, it's not the batteries, tried that, also tried a different mouse. I know it's not the batteries cuz it works in the UEFi/bios.

    This just happened. I don't know what to do...I don't want to have to reinstall the OS if I don't have to :/
  2. AceK

    AceK Scientia Potentia Est

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    I tried system restore but every time it completes with an error saying that it can't be completed because a file can't be accessed :/

    Idk what to do ppl...except back up everything that's not already backed up, wipe it out and start over :{
  3. lode

    lode Banned

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    You can download the previous version of the graphics driver, put in the windows 8 boot disk, open up a command promp, and roll it back that way.Were the drivers from microsoft or amd?
  4. NoxiousGas

    NoxiousGas Old Fart

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    or plug in a non-wireless keyboard, especially a ps2 if available.
    that would bypass any possible issues with the usb at boot up ;)
  5. AceK

    AceK Scientia Potentia Est

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    You were exactly the person I was waiting on to reply :)

    I was thinking about trying that in backtrack Linux but there's so many different drivers and tools it puts on I figured it'd take me a bunch of tries and keyboard pounding so I just backed up all my shit which was backed up already ;) and deleted my partitions.

    I don't know exactly what directory all that shit went in...the drivers are from AMD. THE UEFI/BIOS (do they still call it bios cuz it's been called that for decades?) has drivers for that shit until it hands the processor and shit over to the OS which has a shitty driver too but it works unless ur doing something serious.

    I'm using the drivers off the CD that came with the card for now until I make a system image but i might have to get another external hard drive to hold the image on.

    I'll have to peek at how big that file system is right now it might go on a big flash drive but I'm on my tablet right now...okay it's 73 gigs not counting the other partitions that don't show up in windoze.

    I have to use windows tho cuz I need certain software like Quickbooks pro. You can get it on Mac too but I'd have to learn a whole new system cuz I don't know shit about it. I actually prefer windows 8.1 to previous versions it is more stable IMO plus if you wanna play a 3d game every now and then that's where it's at.

    I went enterprise version this time, last time I did pro but I don't think it really makes any difference;)

    It took me a couple hours to fix

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