Definitely still a Christian. I was born a Roman Catholic, and I want to die one. But I have to tell you, my beliefs are ever evolving. That is why I am rather drawn to Unitarians. I think more than any sect, they live closer to the true definition of Christian, as encapsulated in the Sermon on the Mount. And they are totally non-dogmatic, which I also like. But are they true Christians? What does each wing of the Xian think? And is there any consensus?
I was raised Roman Catholic also, but dropped out when I was a teenager. I have been to Unitarian services and generally liked them but I found the sermons tend to get political which really turns me off. My brother quit going for that very reason. However, if I were forced to pick a church, it would be the Unitarians.
I don't know a whole lot about the Unitarians, but if this statement is accurate, then they are definitely the most Christ-like. Unfortunately, that doesn't equate being the most Christian.