magnitude please decompress soon dirty water end this soon flailing headfirst into oblivion mother earth shake us off soon blackened sky we the parasites we the mosquitos watch your TV watch the swan tear- up at Gods ugly mistakes and marval as science makes pretty buy more plastic anti-bacterial soap we are done for bring it soon mom
its a disgrace...unless youve been in a horrible accident or your disfigured in the classic sense....not "oh my nose isnt right" or "i need better cheek-bones" essentially i think the human race is the only real problem in this world..without us the earth would be in harmony...we are the worst thing that ever happened to earth....
there are definetly some circumstances where plastic surgery has helped people..... but yes like you said....going to get surgery done to try and "correct" what nature has given you is usually quite wrong....
wonderful poem and I agree about the plastic surgery thing, I figure if you're exactly how you're meant to look, and if you don't like it you should look for the lesson in it instead of sawing apart your body, but to each his own...
great poem i love the rage about this problem..with people. all life can be is natural i believe. only nature can be cruel like life i agree in medical reasons for plastic help.. but what else has is created on this planet poeple who cant live without make up or plastic bits to so call inprove themselves from what though :them selves : i pity them alittle for they have to return to the knife to recreate there outside looks. yet inside bleeding to be real. only my opinion about this plastic world how i hope this will change for the future of our children who need to feel real. again thanks for this post love n peace from saff i hope you find the natural world soon.
Yes, we are surrounded by vanity. Everywhere you turn it's there. The media especially has made people so insecure with themselves. AND Humans are bad for the Earth, but the Earth wasn't made to last forever. Still, we should take care of this place... we must live here, after all..... Love yourself as you are and be nice to the planet. Peace, Moonjava