Does it matter anymore if a guy is circumsized. When my son was born the hospital and doctors tried to discourage circumsism. I remember growing up teasing the guy in gym that was uncut. One of my friends said he gets less action because he is uncut.
In general: no. For some people it does. Here it was the other way around (so you understand sometimes location is key on this. I'm from the Netherlands btw). Not that there were any guys without foreskin in my gym or at my soccer team. Now it is becoming more common to wear underwear in the showers at the gym or in the showers at your sportsteam. Apparently guys are getting more ashamed or private about their.. well privates then a decade or 2 ago...
We've only ever circumsized for extreme medical reasons. Male mutilation is for religious or parental reasons. There is absolutely no requirement for it. In a modern wester society has access to clean hot water so wecn shower everyday. It only in America where the medical fraternity continue to make lots of money out of persisting In this horrific act. Quoting figures from research taken in Africa about cut and uncut tribes and the transmission of aids and human papiloma virus. The figures were collated from areas that have barely enough water to drink little lone wash with. Modern research is showing that circumsized men have reduced sensitivity in the gland or head of the penis. As being unprotected from clothing it rubs, so thickens and hardens slightly. I hope soon that baby boys will not have to undergo this needless procedure just like female circumsision.
I find it hard to believe that a woman would go as far as taking clothes off and then sees your friends penis and says nah I'm not letting go that uncut thing inside me.
My friend is gay actually but i know girls hate foreskin in general especially since it means there is another area a guy is too lazy ti clean
Feel free to replace girl with guy...still not buying it. And even if a girl thought a guys uncut penis is ...well dirty. She still thought he was clean enough up until that point that she found out he is uncut
I can believe it. It has to do with cultural/societal associations, the norm in a persons location, what has been taught etc. If a woman (or gay man) has never come across an uncut dick and always only heard positive things about circumcised ones (like why they should be like that and not uncut) they may act on that.
Some people find it less attractive then a cut one. I had a few uncut ones i played with and one had his foreskin attached to his glans.
Personally I much prefer uncut cocks, perhaps because I'm cut and they fascinate me. But of the many uncut cocks I've played with I have hardly ever found one that was unclean. I think that guys who have sex with each other have high standards of cleanliness. Circumcision, unless for cultural or medical reasons, is mutilation and should be left for guys to make their own decision upon adulthood. Simon
I was mutilated at birth without my permission! However, I want to say that I prefer uncut when giving head. It is just more fun to play with and look at. They are a work of art, when studied at length! In today's society, men in general are more clean than not and uncut are more sensitive. (Personal observation)
"Studied at length".....hehe...i like studying them at length...often the more length the better! The penis is a beautiful body part, esp. erect but for me an uncut one is more nature designed it. And being cut from birth myself 60 odd years of my glans rubing on underwear, or worse - comnando - means cut cocks are less sensitive than ones protected by a 4skin C'est la vie. Simon
The first time I saw an uncircumcised dick I was like, " the that?" But over time, I've come to like them. They feel different during penetration and the cockhead seems smoother (I'm guessing that's the point of the skin in the first place?" Circumcised cockheads look kinda gnarly and bumpy--like the face of someone who picked their adolescent acne. I'm assuming the skin protects the cockhead like shoes protect your feet from getting calloused and whatnot. Or maybe it is coincidence. Anyway, they're really only funny looking when they're soft.
I was circumcised aged 4.Still not sure why but my Jewish Dr thought it would be a good idea,Hmmm.Anyway,i'm pretty sure mine is not cut off like in religious circles but rather pulled back and stitched.Is that the medical procedure? I've never had any complaints,i'm 8 inches and very girthy but i do wonder about what i'm missing out.
If you stay uncut you won't lose your sensitivity and your orgasms are more intense! So I prefer uncut, no complaints here :flyhigh:
Most of us who are cut had no say in the matter . Use what you have and make sure you use it well . You'll have no complaints .