Uncircumcised & Premature

Discussion in 'Genitalia' started by KiltedScotsman, Sep 2, 2013.

  1. KiltedScotsman

    KiltedScotsman Guest

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    Im in my mid 30's and i've suffered from premature ejaculation all my life. I've managed over the years to improve the time i can last from about 30 secs when i was younger to be able to last about 2-3 mins nowadays.I did this by learning to take my time and pausing when i feel im getting close and if need be pull out to let myself calm down before starting again.

    I was dating a girl from Canada a few years ago who had been living and dating guys here in Scotland for about a year. She was used to guys being circumcised in Canada and said she noticed straight away how much more sensitive uncircumcised guys are compared to circumcised. She told me when she first started playing with guys over here she was making them cum really fast because she was being too rough although this was as rough as she normally would be with a circumcised guy.

    My question is have any other women noticed that uncircumcised men are more sensitive and cum faster than circumcised men?

    Im considering the possibility of getting circumcised to see if this will help my premature ejaculation problem but does this seem too extreme a solution?

    Any views or advice would be appreciated.
  2. Alternative_Thinker

    Alternative_Thinker Darth Mysterious

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    First off, welcome to Hip Forums. :)

    Uncircumcised older virgin(older than you are) here. Well, I personally would NOT recommend the circumcision route unless you have trouble pulling your foreskin back completely. That's more for the hygienic reasons than anything else, though. If you can roll back your foreskin all the way to fully expose your glans, then I see absolutely no reason why that extra piece of skin has to go.

    I'm a firm believer that premature ejaculation is often a mental thing more than a physical thing. I know that I won't last that long when I have sex for the first time with my girlfriend, and this is something she's aware of, also. But I remain relaxed about it since worrying about it won't solve anything. Besides, my girlfriend is very understanding and I am absolutely positive she will help me built up my endurance in bed.

    There are also different masturbatory techniques you can exercise to better understand how your sexual response cycle is laid out. HOW you breathe is also important. They say deep, slow breathing, where you use your abdomen rather than your chest, rather than shallow, fast breathing just into your chest, tend to help you last longer. I would look into things like Tantra, yoga breathing technique, and try to build your endurance naturally, rather than taking the surgery type unnatural route, if I were you.

    All in all, I think the important thing is to be chill about it. If you keep worrying about the issue, it probably will continue to be the problem. But if you have a really relaxed attitude about it, I think it'll be much easier to deal with. Another thing really is to find a caring partner who will help you improve in that department. Again, that's something mental/emotional rather than blatantly physical. She can assist you during some of those endurance building exercises, and that can be a meaningful experience on its own, too. It might bring the two of you that much closer as two souls.

    That's pretty much what I think. Peace. :)
  3. fx20736

    fx20736 Member

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    I am uncircumcised and have no problems with PE. Foreskin isn't the issue.
  4. PineMan

    PineMan Senior Member

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    On the whole, Premature Ejaculation isn't only the result of oversensitivity but that of mental excitement, but there's not a lot that can be done about that.

    Sensitivity can, of course, be a secondary issue but, in my opinion, circumcision is far too much a permanent solution, from which there is no return, which may not even work.

    If you think the problem is due to a matter of sensitivity, then the use of a condom should help.

    Alternatively, as you are probably already aware, whenever you masturbate it can take a while before you can masturbate again, and even then it can take much longer before reaching a climax. Therefore, the simplest solution would be to apply this technique to your sexual activity. By masturbating an hour or so beforehand, it should take you longer before reaching a climax when you actually have sex.

    Obviously, though, the amount of time you leave between masturbating & having sex is something you'll have to work out for yourself.
  5. Cutted

    Cutted Cutted

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    Check out my thread in the Sexual Health forum on PE, which has been visited over 41,000 times. It may help you.

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