UN and NAM should rise to the occasion in de-escalation of crisis

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Ajay0, Feb 23, 2022.

  1. Ajay0

    Ajay0 Guest

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    The UN and NAM should rise to the occasion in order to ensure a timely de-escalation of the conflict raging in Ukraine-Russia.

    NAM, the non-aligned movement was created in the previous century in order to prevent the world from moving into a third world war. They tried to achieve this by raising awareness of a dangers of a world war, and by not aligning militarily with either the US bloc or Soviet bloc.

    The formation of this group then helped to bring awareness and perspective of the dangers of modern war, and helped to regulate the thought process of belligerent politicians then, and to view the bigger picture as well.

    After the UN, NAM is the largest grouping of states worldwide.

    Non-Aligned Movement - Wikipedia
    Echtwelniet and Captain Scarlet like this.
  2. Captain Scarlet

    Captain Scarlet Lifetime Supporter

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    The problem with the UN is that Russia is one of the 5 countries that can Veto any resolution formed .

    So unfortunately this will be a nonestarter at the moment as any proposed involvement by the UN will just be opposed and not get sanctioned .

    I'm not able to comment on NAM as I dont know enough of the ins and outs of that organisation to post something constructive
    Ajay0 likes this.
  3. Ralfee

    Ralfee Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    UN is useless when 2 of the permanent members are ALSO the aggressors and KILLERS of innocent people.
    Captain Scarlet likes this.
  4. Echtwelniet

    Echtwelniet Visitor

    The idear is good(NAM),but as NL..............we are to deep/stuck in the EU/NATO..............dont see it happening anytime soon(goverment)*sigh*

    UN is basicly useless(veto)..............it is basicly a lot of protest(bla bla), without any real backing. Only weapon the rest of the world has again Putin atm, take his and his oliarch friends there money/assetts.

    Try to kill Putins economy.

    Captain Scarlet likes this.
  5. Captain Scarlet

    Captain Scarlet Lifetime Supporter

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    Agreed with both comments :)
    Echtwelniet likes this.
  6. Ajay0

    Ajay0 Guest

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    Yes, impartial world entities are needed to ensure fairness and justice and for moral persuasion.

    Justice is impartiality. Only strangers are impartial. ~ George Bernard Shaw

    As you stated correctly, Russia being one of the five permanent members can veto any resolution.

    The present UN secretary general, António Guterres while being critical of Russian actions, have oddly distanced himself from similarly criticizing US-Nato expansion.

    Checking Guterres's background, I found that he was the former prime minister of Portugal, and Portugal was in fact one of the founding members of NATO.

    Placing partially minded people or ideologues in influential positions can corrupt the impartiality of the office and consequently any moral authority it may possess.

    Imho, it is important to have a body of impartial world entities for proactive conflict resolution, so as to pre-empt crisis creation or its further escalation into conflict. Contingency measures can also be brainstormed and developed by such a body, for scenarios where similar crisis's and conflicts can erupt.
    Captain Scarlet likes this.
  7. Ralfee

    Ralfee Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    UN needs to be done away with or get a MAJOR do over.
    the any 1 of 5 veteo rule needs to go and be replaced by something else, like a 60% or greater vote of all members.
    Impartial overseers is good idea, but very, very hard to maintain over time, as they will always be under pressured to be bribed.
    wrat1 and Captain Scarlet like this.
  8. Piney

    Piney Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    India is a major NAM and did not chime in when the world was condemning the Putin's invasion.
  9. Ajay0

    Ajay0 Guest

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    India was critical of the Russian invasion as well as U.S-Nato expansion, and had insisted on diplomacy and dialogue to solve issues, just as it had been critical of the U.S-U.K invasion of Iraq based on vague intelligence of wmd in Iraq which was later found to be false.
  10. Piney

    Piney Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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  11. Ajay0

    Ajay0 Guest

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    But you forget that India has a strategic relationship with France as well in many spheres, and is expanding on them as well.

    It is in fact said by some political commentators that the Ukraine crisis will result in France becoming India's new best friend , which is in tune with India's own political and cultural aspirations and standing as an ancient civilization.

    I personally believe in a world lacking man-made boundaries, and utilizing its resources in exploration of space and terraforming nearby planets and satellites to create living habitats, which can reduce much of the pressure on earth's stressed ecology and sociology, due to increasing population, territorial issues and consumption of natural resources.

    Humanity will regress to the level of ugly sewer rats if it focuses its energies on war and petty territorial issues, while it can progress to its full potential as supermen if it focusses its energies on space and creating living habitats on the moon and mars and so on.

    The Indian spacecraft Chandrayaan was instrumental in discovering water on the moon in 2008 , which was corroborated by Chandrayaan 2 as well in 2019.

    Discovery of water on moon: What India’s first Chandrayaan mission achieved a decade ago

    Chandrayaan-2 finds water-ice on the dark side of Moon that has not seen sunlight in two billion years

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