I posted a thread in Interval's thread asking for ideas for a drawing. I've been in the mood to draw for the last week or so, and well I need some inspiration. It can't be anything too difficult or detailed. I'm not that good, and detail irritates me. The forum crashed before I could see if anyone responded to my post so......I need some ideas.
Draw a lawn gnome sitting on a mushroom smoking a pipe. Make it poster-sized and mail it to me so i can hang it in my dorm room.
I need a new tattoo, and i want an original one, so i would say draw some really cute little faeries or something of the such, a sun would be cool too, with maybe a moon with it, when you got one send it to me please.
Sorry I don't do poster sizes. The last time I did something really big was when I was in high school working on the backdrops for our plays. Ummmm I can't draw fairies off the top of my head, I'll need a picture. BUT I can mesh things together, so if you have a certain type of fairy style you like..... I'll just look around and find a few things. This might take a while, but I'll try to get them done, and uploaded as soon as possible.
awwwwww thanks tree_hugger yer the bestest!!!! i use to be in technical theatre, although they would never let me touch the backdrops because i cant paint worth a shit. i was though stage manager in four plays.
I LOVE technical theatre! I did almost everything, I designed and sewed the costumes, worked on the lights, painted the backdrop, built and painted the sets, flirt with my drama teacher, and I performed a bit. I once had to help build a man out of chicken wire, paper mache (sp?) it and everything, for the statue in The Music Man. My drama teacher named it Angela's boyfriend. I miss the theatre. *sigh* I was never a stage manager, only the most organized and dedicated ever had that position.