Ultimate Catholic Church Cover-up | Science vs. Central Dogma

Discussion in 'Christianity' started by Wahkon, Jul 11, 2020.

  1. Wahkon

    Wahkon Member

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    In the early 19th Century the Roman Catholic Church accepted and publicly acknowledged that the biblical scriptures describing the cosmology of the universe did not present the truth.

    When Galileo Galilei and other scientists in the 17th Century presented evidence to the hierarchy of the Catholic Church that proved the biblical scriptures describing the cosmology of the universe and a Church doctrine based on them -- a doctrine that claimed that the earth was located at the center of the universe and was not moving, but standing still -- to be false, the Church refuted the cosmological science of that time and then persecuted Galilei and the other scientists who correctly proclaimed that the earth was moving very fast around the sun.

    Then, after the papacy could no longer refute the scientific cosmology that contradicted the biblical cosmology and a Church doctrine based on it and still retain its reputation it repented and put an end to its false, biblical scriptures based, cosmological Church doctrine. This eliminated false doctrine had not been a dogma of the Church, so the papacy claimed the Church could be scientifically proven to be wrong when it comes to doctrines that are not dogmas.

    Dogmas are considered by the Catholic Church to be infallible and unchangeable. Therefore, if a modern day scientific discovery were to prove that a dogma, especially the Church's central dogma, to be false and the Church then accepted and publicly acknowledged that the new scientific discovery was true this would officially put an end to the Roman Catholic Church.

    If a scientific discovery proves that a doctrine of the Roman Catholic Church is false, as has occurred in the past, the Church understandably does not quickly accept and acknowledge this truth. It cautiously proceeds to examine the evidence and then determines what to do about the situation.

    This is what the Roman Catholic Church is now doing in respect to (1.) the scientific discovery of evolution, which unequivocally proved that the central dogma of the Roman Catholic Church is a false doctrine... and (2.) the scientific discoveries found in recent studies on human DNA and the Y chromosome that prove there was never a single couple ("Adam and Eve") whom every human being is a descendant of. And these studies also, consequently, prove that there was never a "Garden of Eden" where the first human ("Adam"), after being tempted by the first woman ("Eve"), committed "original sin."

    In other words, today's scientists have discovered evidence that further proves (beyond the discovery of evolution) that the dogma that states that there was an "original sin" by the first human ("Adam") in the "Garden of Eden" -- a sin that caused the "creation to fall into the bondage of corruption" -- is not true. There is a National Geographic YouTube video about these scientific discoveries. It is titled Scientific Adam and Eve | National Geographic.

    The scientific discovery of evolution presents evidence that proves the creation was never "very good" or pure as stated by "God" in Genesis. Before humans came forth on earth there had been hundreds of millions of years of animal evolution that had already taken place. Those hundreds of millions of years were brutal, violent and very cruel to animals. Life on earth throughout those brutal years were the opposite of how biblical scriptures and the central dogma of the Roman Catholic Church describe life on earth before the first human ("Adam") supposedly committed "original sin."

    The Roman Catholic Church hierarchy knows that the discovery of evolution has proven that the Church's central dogma, the dogma that falsely claims that "Jesus came to restore creation to the purity of its origin," is a false doctrine. However, I do not expect the Church to publicly declare to the world that this is true. The world would not be able to psychologically deal with such an earth shaking declaration.

    So what is the strategy of the hierarchy to deal with this situation? Since the discovery of evolution the Roman Catholic Church's hierarchy has been covering up the truth concerning what the central dogma of the Church actually is. While this is occurring they are also working on establishing a new faith and a new church (a new religion) based on doctrines that are compatible with modern day science.

    Archbishop Carlo Vigano, a former Apostolic Nunciature to the United States of America who was recently put in the U.S. national spotlight by one of President Trump's tweets, wrote, in a June 6, 2020 letter, that: "Bergoglio's [Pope Francis's] supporters saw the Council [Vatican II] as the first event of a new church, prior to which there was an old religion with an old liturgy."

    Vigano also wrote: "...it is undeniable that from Vatican II onwards a parallel church was built, superimposed over and diametrically opposed to the true Church of Christ." Vigano also wrote that the parallel church's doctrine is "almost gnostic or kabbalistic" in respect to it (the new church) having a similar belief in two Gods. The "old religion" of the Roman Catholic Church cannot be the "true Church of Christ," or represent the truth, because its central dogma has been proven by scientific discoveries to be false.

    The central dogma of the Church is somewhat presented in the Catechism of the Catholic Church, but it is hidden and difficult to find because it is not presented in one place, but scattered throughout the Catechism. And an essential part of this dogma is not elaborated on or clarified in the Catechism.

    The Catechism states that "Jesus came to restore creation to the purity of its origins." And in another section of the Catechism it states that in the Bible verse that says "we look for a new earth and new heaven," that the word "new" in this verse means "quality." Meaning, our current corrupt earth's quality will change when it is "restored to the purity of its origins."

    In other words, the Church teaches that this earth that we are living on now, this earth that has been corrupt sense "Adams original sin," will become the promised "new earth" after it is "restored to the purity of its origin." The Catechism covers up an essential part of this dogma by not presenting any information on what the words "purity of its origins" actually mean.

    The papacy could have presented this dogma in a way that would have been easy for everyone reading the Catechism to understand. And could have done this by quoting vetted and canonized saints who lived before scientists discovered evolution. The hierarchy often quotes saints in the Catechism to clarify Church doctrines, but chose to not quote any saints to clarify or explain what the words "purity of its origins" in the Church's central dogma actually mean.

    I have asked several Catholic priests what the central dogma of the Roman Catholic Church is. None of them knew what the central dogma of the Church is. During a large Catholic Bible study class at Saint Stephen Church in Anoka, Minnesota its leader, the parish's pastor at the time, was asked a question by a lady parishioner about a scripture that was being discussed. The scripture was Isaiah 65:25, which says: The wolf and the lamb shall graze together; the lion shall eat straw like the ox,…” This lady parishioner asked the pastor "When is this going to happen?" She then said, "This has not happened yet." Her pastor then told her that this scripture "Will not ever be fulfilled on this earth, however, it will be fulfilled in Heaven."

    The several priests that I have questioned about this center Catholic dogma do not know that the Church teaches that this earth that we are now living on will be "restored to the purity of its origins" and that then "the wolf and the lamb shall graze together; and the lion shall eat straw like the ox.”

    Bible scriptures claim that "Heaven" is located above the stars. And every Catholic priest has seen paintings of Jesus's Ascension and Mary's Assumption where they are pictured going up away from the earth into heaven-on their way to Heaven. Therefore, many priests incorrectly believe that the Church teaches that the promised "new earth" will be a different earth and that it will be located in Heaven.

    The Catechism statement that proclaims the Roman Catholic Church's central dogma, "Jesus came to restore creation to the purity of its origins."(2336), has an essential dogmatic meaning that the hierarchy is covering up. Here's some information on this topic: Genesis 1:30 reads: “…and to every beast of the earth and to every bird of the sky and to everything that moves on the earth which has life, I have given every green plant for food;” and it was so…” According to this scripture; when the creation was “good” or “very good” or pure… or before “Adam’s original sin” all of the animals were vegetarian.

    As previously stated, the Catechism of the Roman Catholic Church says: “Jesus came to restore creation to the purity of its origins” (CCC, n. 2336). The Bible scripture (Romans 8:21) states that “the creation itself,” will be “delivered from its bondage to corruption”. In respect to what is prophesied to occur when the creation is “delivered from its bondage to corruption” or “restored to the purity of its origins,” Isaiah 65:25 says: The wolf and the lamb shall graze together; the lion shall eat straw like the ox,…”

    According to these scriptures and the central dogma of the Roman Catholic Church, when the creation is “delivered from its bondage to corruption” or “restored to the purity of its origins” all of the animals will once again be vegetarian.

    The Roman Catholic Church’s vetted and canonized St. Basil the Great (330-379) wrote: “…it is customary for vultures to feed on corpses, but since there were not yet [before Adam’s sin], corpses, nor yet their stench, so there was not yet such food for vultures. But all [beasts] followed the diet of swans and all grazed the meadows…none of the beasts were carnivores…such was the first creation [Gn 1:3], and such will be the restoration [RV. 21:1-4] after this.”

    Every human being on earth today is a Homo sapiens. We are Homo sapiens who originated in Africa between 200,000 – 300,000 years ago. If there had actually been a “Garden of Eden” where a single couple (“Adam and Eve”) lived, it would had to have been divinely created on earth HUNDREDS Of THOUSANDS of years ago in Africa, and HUNDREDS Of MILLIONS of years of animal evolution would have already taken place.

    Those hundreds of millions of years of animal evolution that occurred before we Homo sapiens came into existence were very corrupt. They were corrupted by a lot of animal deaths (making available many corpses for “vultures” to eat), sickening deadly diseases and devastating natural catastrophes. There were several mass extinctions of animals. Many vicious carnivorous animals existed. Every animal eventually died, often in a violent and cruel way. It was a brutal “survival of the fits” world then, as it still is today.

    The creation was never “good” or “very good,” as falsely claimed in Genesis by the Old Testament “God” Yahweh, and, therefore, neither was the creation ever “pure,” as falsely claimed by the Roman Catholic Church. The creation cannot be "restored to the purity of its origins" because it was not pure at the time of its origins, and therefore neither can, nor will, the earth be "restored to the purity of its origins," and consequently there will never be a "new earth," nor will the "just" be resurrected and live forever, "world without end" on the falsely prophesied future "new earth."

    There is a recently written [open letter] statement by Archbishop Vigano to President Trump that was presented on the Fox News, Lou Dobbs Tonight show. It reads: "[It] is disconcerting that there are Bishops...who, by their words, prove that they are aligned on the opposing side [of righteousness]. They are subservient to the deep state, to globalism, to aligned thought, to the New World Order which they invoke ever more frequently in the name of a universal brotherhood which has nothing Christian about it, but which evokes the Masonic ideals of those who want to dominate the world by driving God out of the courts, out of the schools, out of families, and perhaps even out of the churches."

    Vigano also wrote that the members of the "new church" or "parallel church" believe there are two Gods, so the "new church" people, according to Vigano, are not traditional Christians or monotheists who believe in American's declaration of civil and religious belief, as professed in these religious and patriotic words: "We, the people of the U.S.A., are one nation under God." Nor do the polytheistic (belief in many or more than one God) "new church" people (who believe in two Gods) want America's monotheistic "God" in this land's courts, schools, families, nor even in the churches.

    The "new church" is aligned theologically with the coming New World Order's developing one world religion. Its members believe in the two true Gods, the flawed inferior "God" of the Old Testament and Jesus Christ's New Testament God, or "God the Father."

    The goal of the members of the "new church" (and it is also the goal of Hindus, Buddhists, New Agers and Theosophists, etc.) is to first become one with God. The God who is the non-material, made of light, divine monistic manifestation of the Universe, and then go through this divine light Universe or God (by activating the Christ/Krishna/Buddha/God consciousness within the finite creation) to ultimately become one with Jesus's "God the Father," the eternal infinite Spirit or "the unqualified Absolute, the transcendent Father beyond creation" - Swami Sri Yukteswar.

    It is time for the Roman Catholic Church to quickly put an end to the "old religion" and fully establish the "new church" for the coming New World Order. In the New World Order there will not only be a one world religion wherein humanity is religiously united and liberated, but humanity will also be experiencing peace and security within a one world government, religion and economic system.

    This article (with reference links) can be found on my website by googling the article's title and my last name Dahlheimer. Then scroll down to the NEW - Wahkon link, click on it and then click on the title of my article.
  2. Tishomingo

    Tishomingo Members

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    I'm not a Catholic, but I question your position that scientific studies unequivocally disprove "the central dogma of the Roman Catholic Church". I don't question the science. I question your understanding of it and church dogma. Unlike some fundamentalist Protestant sects, the Catholic Church doesn't take a literal interpretation of Genesis. In fact, its been generally receptive to the doctrine of human evolution, thanks partly to Saint Augustine's views In his book De Genesi ad litteram (On the Literal Meaning of Genesis) that "plant, fowl and animal life are...created in a state of potentiality" and had been transformed slowly over time. As for Adam and eve, they are prototypical humans, conveying truth metaphorically, rather than empirically. They may take that story literally at the bible Baptist Church, but not the folks at the Vatican.
    "For who that has understanding will suppose that the first, and second, and third day, and the evening and the morning, existed without a sun, and moon, and stars? And that the first day was, as it were, also without a sky? And who is so foolish as to suppose that God, after the manner of a husbandman, planted a paradise in Eden, towards the east, and placed in it a tree of life, visible and palpable, so that one tasting of the fruit by the bodily teeth obtained life? And again, that one was a partaker of good and evil by masticating what was taken from the tree? And if God is said to walk in the paradise in the evening, and Adam to hide himself under a tree, I do not suppose that anyone doubts that these things figuratively indicate certain mysteries, the history having taken place in appearance, and not literally."---Origen,On the First Principles IV.16.

    The "first human" again is allegorical. Adam is the prototypical human in a condition the seventeenth century philosophers used to call a "State of Nature", a hypothetical state in which basic attributes of civilization were absent. Edin in Sumerian means steppe or plain, and may allude to the place in the Babylonian Gilgamesh legend where the wild man, Enkidu, roamed with his animal friends--one with nature until he was "civilized" by a prostitute. I thought the mitochondrial eve and y-chromosomal Adam hypotheses were still viable in scientific circles.

    No matter, cuz in the Bible, it's all metaphorical. Genesis 2 & 3 tells the story of two people in Paradise, surrounded by beauty and abundance without the need to work, and yet they are dissatisfied and want what is forbidden to them: evaluative knowledge, which they are told will make them like God. And when they eat the forbidden fruit, they are instantly aware of their inadequacies: they are naked and "need" more, etc. To me this is a metaphorical way of conveying the same message as the Buddha's: that taṇhā (desire) is the cause of dukka (misery). I don't think science has found evidence that refutes that one yet!

    I doubt that either the Old Church or your Gnostic New Age One will get us far in making our planet a better place.As for the "uncorrupted" primordial paradise, Jesus tells us in the Gospel of Thomas (Saying 113) :"The Kingdom of the Father is spread out everywhere upon the earth, and people do not see it." Still fixated on that fruit!
    Last edited: Jul 15, 2020
  3. tikoo

    tikoo Senior Member

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    The natural child be the fundamental of hippy philosophy .
    Tishomingo likes this.
  4. OlderWaterBrother

    OlderWaterBrother May you drink deeply Lifetime Supporter

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    You seem to think the Catholic Church cares what the Bible says, which is not the case. Historically the Catholic Catholic dogma has not been based on what the Bible actually says but on what they think will bring and keep the most people under their tent.
  5. wilsjane

    wilsjane Nutty Professor HipForums Supporter

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    So the whole basis of religion is wrong.???

    It all started with a big bang, but which big bang was that.? Number 29 or 30.????????

    Until the human brain is reprogrammed to comprehend infinity, we will all exist in a world that is basically insignificant in the overall picture.

    In the meantime, lets all respect the mere human organisations that allow us to lead better lives than a group of wild animals.
    Tishomingo likes this.
  6. Piobaire

    Piobaire Village Idiot

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  7. OlderWaterBrother

    OlderWaterBrother May you drink deeply Lifetime Supporter

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  8. oldwolf

    oldwolf Waysharing-not moderating Super Moderator

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    Strange is it not, that the main answer from the wise is “I don’t know “
    Though we may think we know - we don’t.

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