Is anyone following the crisis in that part of the world? Russia just sent troops into the area. This might turn out to be a bad one for everyone, including us.
Since the right to happiness is for the allusion to selfish goals. the right to might shall make the people of Ukraine Good. And of of course the people of the sea side shall tell the people of the mountain what to think.
Well the situation was bad, so Russia was forced to send troops there. Yanukovich was the democratically elected president, and leader of the most popular party. There are Neo-Nazis and other Far Right extremists intimidating and killing cops, judges, politicians and the general public. The result was a coup and the overthrow of democracy by a US/partial EU backed group of terrorists. Inevitably the coup is failing. All because the EU gave the Ukraine a shit offer, and NATO couldn't accept defeat - they sent a load of animals to cause grief. Vast numbers of Ukrainian citizens consider themselves Russian, or atleast "brothers of Russians". Imagine if Russia sponsored Hispanics in LA to declare a breakaway from the USA? Ofcourse the Ukraine wasn't perfect before, but its got vastly worse with the extremists from the Western Ukraine. It should never have got to this. But certain groups tried to smear Russia and exploit the fact Sochi was on. I just hope the problem is sorted out quickly, fully and without any further bloodshed. And I think that Russian stabilising forces is the best, and only way.
The US won't get involved against Russia, idk why OP said it could be risky for us. Unless "us" is referring to someone other than the United States.
I lived through the cold war from beginning to end. I don't think anyone wants start that up again. If the US wants to do something for the betterment of world society---kill that fucker in Syria. Can't we BEGIN to mind our own business in favor of our own citizens?? Guess not.
Because the US and the UK signed a treaty where they promised to protect Ukraine's borders in change for their dismantling of nuclear weapons.
Well if "propaganda" is defending a democratically elected leader against American backed Neo-Nazis and terrorists, then I'm glad I'm a "propagandist. I'm also a British born British citizen, who is eligible for UKrainian AND Russian citizenship. Given the choice between my view and the Faux News created one, I think perhaps mine is the most objective... So I take it you will be supporting the Hispanic people in their "peaceful struggle to free Los Angeles from American occupation"?
If you believe thats the issue, then you'll believe pretty much anything.. So would you be happy with China backing Nazis to overthrow the Dutch government?
I haven't heard of that treaty, but I don't think it's exactly comparable. Ofcourse the issue it not that one treaty, but it's interesting to see if the US and the UK respect international laws and treaties.
According to wikipedia: Given the numbers, and the fact that ostensibly Ukraine is an independent country, I see no basis for the assertion that it is the ethnic Ukrainians who are trying to annex Ukraine. I don't think I'm upholding a "faux news" perspective by calling what you've posted propaganda. I'm concerned for the welfare of all of the people of Ukraine, including its sizable ethnic Russian population. That Viktor Yanukovych was ever the legitimate President of Ukraine is dubious at best. Even if we ignore the plausible allegations of voter intimidation and fraud that have marked his political career, there is little doubt that Putin and Russia were behind the the poisoning of Yanukovych's political rival Viktor Yushenko with dioxin. Further Yanukovych has been removed from office by the Ukrainian parliament, has been charged with mass murder, and has been disowned by his own political party. Ok, you are asserting that the Euromaidan protests in Independence Square were by "American backed Neo-Nazis and terrorists" and that Russia was "forced" to intervene? Do you have a source for this? I certainly understand if this is a personal/emotional issue for you. I also certainly hope that there is a peaceful resolution to the crisis. You are hardly objective, however.
Ding, ding, ding. This is the correct answer to almost every single important issue the US faces. Almost every fucking one of them. But no worries....most people will just keep watching tv and worrying about whatever "scandal" is on the horizon.
That's what I'm led to believe - the coup was led by very unsavoury neo nazi elements. It was a coup against the democratically elected President, yet the western countries, who are always telling us how much they want to spread democracy not only stood by and let this happen, but actually backed the opposition forces. Reminds me of what happened in Egypt. Already, the rhetoric they are using reminds me of the cold war.
I have no idea if this is legit or not but I just read this. I hope this site is blowing something way out of proportion here.
Could you guys point me to a source that indicates the coup was led by neo Nazis and terrorists? This is the first I've heard of it and I am curious.