School strikes are planned in 60 locations in the UK today 15th feb. Sad situation when it takes the kids to act. Their 'elders' too busy navel gazing and bickering over the regressive brexit nonsense that seems to obsessively occupy our inept politicians whilst the real problems don't even get looked at in any meaningful way. Kids it seems want a future, not a regression to some imaginary past. Climate strike: school pupils prepare to walk out of class across UK
"The latest UN report warned there were 12 years remaining to avoid the worst effects of global warming, from record-breaking droughts and heatwaves to warming oceans and melting ice sheets" I cant wait for 2031 then
It's sensible to be frightened about the environmental crisis when you see reports like this: Plummeting insect numbers 'threaten collapse of nature'
I hate to say this but climate change is going to happen; indeed, it is happening. We had better adapt and hope enough of the natural world can do the same. There just isn't the will to do anything about it. If it's any consolation life on Earth won't end, we'll just go extinct and take a good portion of the wildlife with us. There have been plenty of evolutionary dead ends in Earth's 4.5 billion year history.
There is. You must be focussing on the wrong crowd if it looks like that. But because a lot of people still are oblivious or underestimate the seruousness in what accelerating speed we're negatively impacting ecosystems I sometimes get the feeling as well: too less people have the will to change or make any effort or see the point. Sometimes I think too what's the point. Is it really so bad if this bunch of nihilists and selfish assholes go extinct.. but I more often conclude with yes. Would be quite bad and unneccesary.
indoctrination .. reeeeeeeeeek climate change .. do nothing but stand there protesting. Bet they left all the lights on in the building too. Some environmentalist they are. not out in the environment doing anything, like picking up the tiny trash that makes its way into the ocean..
The crowd I'm focused on is our political leaders, and not just in the West. Imagine getting China, India and Russia to agree to anything. And would they stick to any agreement? I don't want to come across as having my head buried in the sand; I'm aware of what is happening as pertains to Earth's climate. I'm just not optimistic about any human solution.
Me neither all the time. But the will to make serious effort is also in China. Russia and India I have less insight in.. but not much hope in if we don't give the good example. I mean I can hardly blame those nations if it seems to them that we are mostly talk but no(t enough) action
I didn't got convinced by internet articles but i did a search for you, and this seems a good read: While We Worry About Honeybees, Other Pollinators Are Disappearing - The Crux
Next step, search for the actual US fish and wildlifes endangered species list. Then check how many species of bees are on that list. And if the species mentioned in the article are actually on the list. 20,000+ different species of bees worldwide. 250 species of bumblebee worldwide Only one species of bumblebee on that list
We should wait with action until its abundantly clear for people like you (and too late) that other pollinators are really endangered? Lol
Except its just not true, as far as insects go anyway. Things the size of white rhinos, sure, thats obvious. But insects no Check the list
You mean they're not on the list. But yes, insects are seriously declining in quantity in Europe. It's a verified fact by many field researchers, but its also clearly noticable by any average joe who lived here in the last couple of decades. How the situation in California or another specific place is I can't say, but how its declining here and in for example certain areas in China is a real global concern.