UK ranks as one of the worst countries to live in the world for expats

Discussion in 'U.K. Politics' started by Joshua Tree, Sep 5, 2019.

  1. Joshua Tree

    Joshua Tree Remain In Light

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    Yahoo is now part of Oath

    Not a good sign for foreign nationals helping our economy. Maybe you might think that's no bad thing. They keep the wheels of global capitalism turning, and that current economic model is destroying our planet. Expect to take a financial hit if you want sustainable alternatives, but in my opinion that's what we have to do. And we may well need the expertise of foreign nationals to achieve that anyway. Probably not the bankers though.
  2. wooleeheron

    wooleeheron Brain Damaged Lifetime Supporter

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    London has become famous as an international city, similar to NY and other major metropolitan areas. My guess is you are seeing the same class division as the rest of the world, meaning that survey may accounted for the working slobs point of view, which is that everything is either too expensive or too low quality. No offence, but British food is among the worst in the world. So bad, you'd think the French started eating snails after tasting British food. What big business moving into the country means, is more franchises and other things that will change those ratings over a few decades of time. You are experiencing an unstable economy, but the banks are moving in, and will use simple divide and conquer to crush most of what you might hold dearest, and replace it with Walmart.

    My best friend in high school was born in England, and I lied to his mother for years about her cooking.
  3. morrow

    morrow Visitor

    I dont understand a lot of what you mean wooleeheron.. but I would love to know what you mean by British food? Please explain..because you didnt like your mates mums cooking she represents British cuisine? Lll come on try again.
  4. Captain Scarlet

    Captain Scarlet Lifetime Supporter

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    Things may change once the B word has been sorted or should I say ever be sorted !
  5. wooleeheron

    wooleeheron Brain Damaged Lifetime Supporter

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    My father is Irish Catholic, career navy, and decided he wanted to see every port city in England and Ireland before he died. Its not just my friend's mother, and if you've never eaten a lot of foreign food in foreign countries you might not comprehend. Even the Canadian cooking is infamous for burning everything and over salting it. My high school friend's mother and father both died of a rare form of leukemia, and I didn't learn about it until decades later, and I didn't have the heart to tell him it was very likely contaminated salt sold on the black market. His parents were both race car drivers, government agents, and a navy seal and I thought it best if their deaths remained a mystery, since he no longer ate all much salt. US food inspection is done according to quantum mechanics, and how many people die.

    Its empire baby, and this train ain't stopping until she derails. Bretix is the international conglomerates moving in the for the kill. They will thoroughly corrupt your government, which has a long history of corruption. They'll nibble away at the rest of the EU, and make you long for the good old days. These Wolves and Vultures prefer their food still alive and kicking. An estimated 1,700 international conglomerates now run the world economy, as the empire consolidates its holdings, and the most powerful country in the world is now led by Neo-Nazis.

    As a military brat, I can testify that its not really anybody's fault, and all that money just takes on a life of its own and draws more flies than a mountain of crap. If one bank doesn't screw you, they'll get bought out by another and they all use the same Three Stooges slapstick.
    Last edited: Sep 6, 2019
  6. morrow

    morrow Visitor

    So... let me get this right.... you dont like pie and chips? Ok cheers.
  7. wooleeheron

    wooleeheron Brain Damaged Lifetime Supporter

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    Sadly, foreigners cook English food better then the English themselves.
  8. morrow

    morrow Visitor

    Lol, sounds just like a yank... lol
  9. wooleeheron

    wooleeheron Brain Damaged Lifetime Supporter

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    We eat a lot of things, and the English are our closest allies, but we hardly ever eat your food. When we do, is cooked at the right temperature and not drowned in salt.
  10. morrow

    morrow Visitor

    We dont eat much salt in our house, if at all... but we also dont eat huge portions like you lot... or lashings of sauces over clumps of mashed meat you call Patty's:D

    KFC, Burger King, McDonald's..etc etc... you really think taco bell is to be proud of? ...
  11. Irminsul

    Irminsul Valkyrie

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    Whoah woah say what you will about taco Bell, But I'll be damned if I'm gonna sit around here and have KFC torn to shreds. :p
    morrow likes this.
  12. wooleeheron

    wooleeheron Brain Damaged Lifetime Supporter

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    One of the "innovations" McDonald's made was to use an egg timer to cook their burgers and fries, precisely to avoid burning and undercooking everything. Its a step above English cooking in that regard, but nothing to brag about. It is just such franchises you can look forward to replacing all your mom and pop restaurants in the near future, because small towns and tribes and whatnot are vanishing off the face of the earth. Welcome to the machine. Soon you will demand that everything be consistent, including how your food is cooked.
  13. morrow

    morrow Visitor

    What are mom and pop restaurants? :D :D
  14. soulcompromise

    soulcompromise Member HipForums Supporter

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    I see your point, but for the record, I don't eat food from any place like that. :D
    morrow and Candy Gal like this.
  15. wooleeheron

    wooleeheron Brain Damaged Lifetime Supporter

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    Places where people older than 15 might cook your food, and charge a living wage. In the US today, McDonalds are operating by kids, people on welfare, and senior citizens who supplement their income. McDonalds would have automated everything long ago, but labor is cheap.
  16. stormountainman

    stormountainman Soy Un Truckero

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    I like British women because they kiss very well.
    Candy Gal and morrow like this.
  17. morrow

    morrow Visitor

    You ever been to England? Oh and for the record... its mum and dad in the UK lol.. enjoyed it wooleeheron.. good night :D
  18. stormountainman

    stormountainman Soy Un Truckero

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    Taco Bell is where I go to pay my phone bill.
    morrow likes this.
  19. morrow

    morrow Visitor

    Now theres a man that knows important stuff about the British lady....
    I got a bunch stored in my shed for you young man.. mwwwwahhhhh
    Nice to see you!
  20. stormountainman

    stormountainman Soy Un Truckero

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    It's been a long time since I was in the UK; but, I did love it. In 1969 Carnaby Street was THE hip spot in the world. I like all of London and loved Windsor castle. I liked Steak and Kidney Pie at almost every pub. The women were the sexiest on earth, even better than the drawings on my Kama Sutra book!

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