I was wondering how hippie us UK posters are. I'd say I'm about 25% hippie. I'm pretty much a pacifist, believe in being kind to everyone (or try to at least), but not really into free love, drugs (anymore), or hedonism. I don't dress or look like a hippie either. Not particularly spiritual.
Fulltime Barefooter.......Have Been Since 2006......5 Toe Rings.....Dreadlocks.....But My Usual Attire Is Cargo Pants And A "T".......In Winter Add A Hoodie.....No Drugs.....Never Has Been........Damn It's Very Hard To Put A Percentage On Me............I'll Have To Have A Think On It....... Cheers Glen.
Oh okay everyone jumping in. I don't know if I am very hippy at all. When I was first encouraged to join this forum near 11 years ago, I wasn't sure because of the name, and hippies. I came here a Goth, not a hippy. I just don't think I'm a hippy. Like I like all the drugs and weed and parties and orgies and stuff but you don't need to be hippy for that either, if there was a complete psychological state of mind to being a hippy, I just don't think it's inside me.
It's an all or nothing thing - used to be anyway. If you say yes, I'm 50% hippy, then WTF is the othe 50% for chrisakes?? Tory scumbag? Reactionay Fundamentalist Christian/Muslim/Hindu?Mindless Consumer....or what?
very difficult to define ,anyone can consider themselves a hippy ,for many many reasons ,all can be different reasons from each other ,and things or aspects of things taken from different cultures
That is true. I do know that many hippies stayed on the Isle of Wight after the Music Festival years back. Several generations later, they are just people.
As a 'child of the 60's' I grew up in a world where there was a definite 'Black and White' prior to 'Colour' society. My parents worked on the holiday camps in the summer, and the hotels in the winter - we were 'on the road' for my first four years, although the summer months saw me interact with both 'Gypsies' /travellers and traditional /original Hippies as both camped in/on farmers lands. It was here where I gained first-hand knowledge /experience of the principles of individualism along with the stigma, persecution and prejudice that went along with it. This helped me develop my credo of conscience and conviction against injustice and respect of others not of my status or background - although holding to account those who wished to inflict upon others negativity influence, harassment and maltreatment. Along with this, I embraced and embarked upon the road of spiritual connection - in both the environmental concern and the possibility of universal connection - Witch has become my faith. I consider myself a Pagan /Hippie by action and deed, not words and pretence. And how true the quote - "Being honest may not get you many friends, but it will always get you the right ones". - John Lennon.
I believe in peace and love above all - just can't see a point in arguing and agression... I like my drugs every now and then, festivals and sex. Don't know how much hippy this make me but feel about 75%.