People care about a bill legalizing a recreational drug but not about having their right to be informed taken away.....well ok then
Hope it passes because it will be so much easier and safer for everyone. If you want weed go buy it at a store with no shady dealer. If you are a child the store will probably ID you which dealers do not do. Some people will say this will make more people smoke. Maybe a few will try but most people interested in that already do regardless of laws. I don't agree with the whole medical only side though. What is so wrong about people enjoying the feeling of weed? That seems so taboo but the part that makes it good medicine also makes it good fun. That good feeling can be applied many ways.
Articles 11 & 13 of the Copyright Directive. Check out the related thread I did on it in Latest News.
The right time? Shit it should have been 50 years fact should never have been iegal to make use of a plant you can grow in yout garden! And it's still only for medicinal use! There have been so many UK govt. reports in favour of legalisation and just ignored! Roll on full legalisation! Simon
I did..yeah not good .. .more limitations on transfer of information..... Not sure why u post it here tho.... Simon
I posted it on here to answer Ms. Morrow's question. I posted about it on the forums in general because people need to be aware that they're allowing their rights as human beings to be stripped away right in front of them
Update.. still doing the arguing kid style, so not imminent then!!! Medicinal cannabis review called 'cruel'