okay hip forumsers, i have something to say, but i dont know what, and right now im effecting all of you who read this, because it is a game of energy that we play here now. i am completely sincere, i wish you all the best in this life, and i love oyu all, and there is something thats driving me, and we breathe fire into change now.... and I breathe in all of you, what is beyond the cycle? and if you are serious about yourself, and your potential, youll tune in.
Mountain Home? That's pretty funny, cause that's the name of the group home/mental hospital thingy my mom is at now. weird.
OMG I CAN FEELZIT! I CAN FEELALLAZIT ENERRRRRRRRRRGY! WHEE. well.. not really. But.... I can.... I don't really feel any at the moment.