Gaah, lolz Mariam Nabatanzi, 39, has given birth to 44 children, including six who tragically died, due to her abnormally large ovaries. A mum who has given birth to 44 children has been banned from having any more babies. Mariam Nabatanzi delivered twins a year after she was married off at the age of 12. Five more sets of twins followed — along with four sets of triplets and five sets of quadruplets. Mum of 44 kids banned from having any more children
That one sentence is incredibly confusing Was she able to have 44 kids due to her large ovaries, or did her large ovaries actually kill the 6 kids who died? It was the Ugandan mom, in the conservatory, with her abnormally large ovaries
Got to give her some credit. She is looking after them to the best of her abilities and withour our lucrative social handouts either and popping out 44 sprogs is no mean feat . Ask any women who has given birth.
Since about 30 of the children must have resulted from cell division within a single egg. I am surprised that only 6 of them died. Looking at the list of multiple births, her problems were not just large ovaries.