With regard to the refugee crisis in Europe and some of the pompous, self righteous comments i have noted in north American alternative press outlets, i ask such commentators to reflect on the cause of the exodus from such countries as Syria, Afghanistan, Iraq and Libya and the historical, inept meddling of countries such as the United Kingdom and the United States in order to profit their own elite at the cost of massive human suffering. My message being that you should understand your own imperative role in this human disaster, before passing judgement on the many hard pressed nations on the frontline, nations brought to the brink of disaster by the likes of Goldman Sachs. Incidentally, I devoutly hope that my next comment is not a reference to the demonisation of Russia and the destabilisation of Ukraine. Really, if i did not know better i would imagine that the United States government was trying to undermine the economy and political stability of Europe....imagine that, it would be so uncannily like the years before the outbreak of the second world war - dumb client states fighting the bolshevik (read: economic potential) bear. In case you missed the point: your (united states) government is not " a government of the people, by the people" it is a criminal organisation operating on behalf of an elite who rule by murder and corruption.
Your message assumes that rank and file Brits or Americans have any say in these policies. FEW of the policies are put to a popular vote. Take Gay Marriage as a prime example. In California, arguably the most liberal state in the US, it was VOTED down. However, the state government figured the general population had made a mistake, and corrected the "nasty, bigoted error" without a vote. A few years later this was passed for the whole nation, again without a vote. Americans were not asked to vote on Iraq, Afghanistan, Vietnam or Korea. So the very idea of blaming the "Americans" for what the US government has done is at best an uninformed perspective. Can you imagine the vote if Americans were allowed to approve all the border crossings? Not that the people of the UK have it any better. In both nations the citizens are slaves with little voice. In the US less than 800 people control the destiny of 350 million (about 30 million of them illegal aliens). And most of this control occurs without a vote. The system is a snare.
I don't imagine Our President Obama meddling in Ukraine, he would not cross Russia in Syria, never mind the Near Abroad. You will need to find other scapegoats, Have you ever heard of ISIS? what blame can we apportion them for this crisis, is ISIS a creation of Goldman Sachs? Are you employed by a Russian propaganda organ?
Yes, Mr Obama joined the party to overthrow Khadaffi in Lybia; even though they had no nuclear weapons and were not threatening anyone. You will find folks here circling the wagons around Our President, he is immortal, blameless, an icon of Liberal progressivism. A teflon president.
I detest the cons for their "holier than thou" ideology. But there's a lot that with liberals too. Like liberals thinking that cons are stupid.....like they themselves are not. "Stupidity kills....just not fast enough."
i refer you to this document, recently declassified http://www.judicialwatch.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/Pg.-291-Pgs.-287-293-JW-v-DOD-and-State-14-812-DOD-Release-2015-04-10-final-version11.pdf
and this article, which i implore you to read http://stopwar.org.uk/news/now-the-truth-emerges-how-the-us-fuelled-the-rise-of-isis-in-syria-and-iraq#.VXH2V6yh7qc.twitter
Russia is more of an influence in Europe And it was kind of their fault afghanistan was the way it was 2 decades later There are some poor countries around the world that go by there business without any of the crap you see in Syria, so its not solely economics Mainly about dumbass communist or fascist regimes
Fjola-I agree with the last sentence in your original post. However, nothing lasts forever, so there's hope.
The U.S. has been playing both sides against the middle since Ronnie Raygun sold chemical weapons to Iraq, while at the same time selling missiles to Iran during the Iran/Iraq war. That is what created Al Qaeda, and that's why 9/11 happened. ISIS is the remnant of the Saddam Hussein regime that was overthrown in the 2003 invasion. The Iraqi Shiite government installed by the U.S. is an ally of Iran and Syria. The U.S. is supplying weapons to the Kurds in northern Iraq to supposedly help fight ISIS. But those weapons are being used to fight Turkey, in an effort to take more land from the Turks. The Kurds plan to have the oil rich land in north Iraq and east Turkey to create the Kurdistan state. So the U.S. is playing the Kurds against the Turks, while using the Turkish airbases to bomb ISIS. The U.S. is also playing Afghanistan against Pakistan, using Al Qaeda as an excuse. And the U.S. has been playing the Jews against the Palestinians since 1948. Does anyone really believe all this isn't going to catch up to the U.S.? The U.S. still thinks it got away with genocide on the Native Americans. The BEAST has karma to pay, and it ain't gonna be pretty.
I dont really like your use of the word "you" as if the average American has any say in anything. The American govt plays the American people like marionettes just like they play with the middle eastern power struggle...but other than the fact that you're addressing the American people when they have fuck all to do with anything, I agree with your overall sentiment. America went into Iraq with the intention of destabilizing the region, that much is clear.
Remembering Our President, thinking that the microphone was turned off; wispering to Vladimir Putin: " I can be more flexible after the election" Such supine submissiveness, just tough to imagine him directing a Putsch in the Ukraine.
I see our Russian comrades phoned up Elton John and pulled a prank call straight out of The Jerky Boys playbook! Congratulations !
it has to do with people who want to believe they care about humanity, but turn their back on obscene oppression because they've let themselves be convinced that things they don't want to be without, like their automobiles, depend upon their doing so. you're right that it has nothing to do with socialism, or the logical meaning of liberal. or conservative either for that matter. it doesn't directly have anything to do with any ideology at all, but it does have to do with otherwise well meaning people of every sort, developing very large blind spots.