Walked the furthest I've ever walked barefoot foot slightly over two all without shoes or socks on. It felt so relaxing tho
Amazing how MUCH walking (running) one wants to do barefoot! That is my PRIMARY motivation to get out there in those summer months! Hot pavement! Fuck!!
Whilst I have always loved going barefoot, since last year I have started going for longer walks most weekends. I usually do 5 to 15kms now. This weekend will be a good 12-14kms. I am so looking forward to it. The walk I have planned starts off on concrete footpaths and roads then goes to sandy beach and finishes up mostly grass. It is such a sensuous feeling going these distances wearing just a t-shirt and shorts and completely naked feet. At the end my soles will be absolutely "tingling" from all the different surfaces encountered. Keep up the barefoot walking, your soles will develop and become stronger and you will grow to love it even more!
A short and shorts are all I wear most of the time now especially when I go out barefoot the two mile walk I took felt so nice on my feet.
If you get the opportunity, try walking some nice forest/nature trail during the summer. You won't regret it.
I have never walked barefoot on the beach but I have walked barefoot in the forest and trails in my mountains and I love it.
Yesterday I went for a 6 mile barefoot walk it was so awesome I just wish I seen more people walking barefoot instead of walking around in sandals