the last trump vs the trump of God, Which one will you originally be apart of? Oh, there is a difference! What might you think the difference is? Look in 1 cor 15 and 1 thess 4.
the Rich Man & Beggar parable tell me, especially, that I will be apart of the last trump. :2thumbsup: And note that these last trumps can not happen after "the" trump of God. the rich man and beggar are two halves of the same one. One part of me (this one on earth) is equal to the beggar. the other part of me is in heaven which is equal to the rich man. When the earth me dies further, so will the heaven me die further. then we are then put whole as one, to experience further burning desire quenching paradises in heaven. Lazarus sounds like "last are us" for a reason. (a hint for us "last" trump makers.) there is a great gulf fixed between what is an "us" (two halves of the same one) and what is a "you" (two halves to be later put as a whole single one). And as for the trump of God... that I found to be the total resurrection of 3 Gods (1 male sex drived for the female, 2 female sex drived for the male and the female) coming from being peoples in heaven and on earth the number of what is like the sand of the sea. What? Every actual "honest to God" God must have drives to prosper, even sexual drives. Unlocked... And, behold, there are last (the beggar) which shall be first (the rich man), and first (the rich man) which shall be last (the beggar). though one (whole) rose from the (these) dead (remember beggar, a half, died and rich man, a half, died).