So my group of nudist friends came over last night. We were all sitting around naked and just having a few beers. So, one of the guys suggested we play Twister. We've played it once before but not in the nude. Anyway, if you're familiar with the game, four people is usually the limit as far as space on the board on the floor goes.. We had like six of us playing.and it was crazy. We were up all jammed up against each other, arms, legs all over the place. We were all hanging all over each other..legs spread, butt cheeks spread..what a sight! I've never laughed so much in my life. I pulled a muscle in my lower back from one of the many ridiculous positions I found myself in. One guy got smacked in his balls by one of the girls who lost her balance and ended up on her ass. He was ok ..and so was she.. It was fun and honestly, very sexy. We've all been in platonic relationships for years..but damn, it was pretty hot.. We only played for about an hour because everybody was getting aches and pains all over... Just chilled out after that and watched The Last Jedi...again..
I bet you would get to know them. I had that game as a kid but never had tie opportunity to play it nude. That would be an extremely hot scene. It’s so fuckin’ cool that you have your group to enjoy being naked with.
Someday I would enjoy playing twister nude. I'm nude most of the time and playing twister nude would be something new.
I had that game when I was a kid and of course there wasn’t any sex involved. It does take a certain amount of core strength. Some of the positions that you need to get into are pretty rough.
Well, there wasn't any sex involved when we played but we were all up against each other in a lot of sexy positions. The game's not meant for six players, for sure!
I was stretching over this one guy in front of me to try and keep my hands on the mat. Another guy was in the way, too..Anyway, I was stretching my body at a weird angle and pulled a muscle in my lower back..
I have to admit- it sounds like a really hot scene. I can see where that game could lead to one hell of an orgy if it’s being played naked.