In a formless world where darkness ever lingered and glimmering stars clashed amidst the chaos and tumult, twin souls sprung from ash mirrored in likeness, brightly even amongst the stars they shone kindled with the same inner fire, with the same breath of life sewn one to find the other in this maelstrom it was bound fated to outshine the stars when one the other found and glorious it was, as the pair interwove in dance across the starlit sky they paced in a hypnotic trance so great was their union that time itself seemed to halt as if to witness this occasion, and honor their cosmic waltz Even the ever lingering darkness for a time appeared to fade from corner to corner the black abyss became enveloped in bright illuminating rays But alas, their short time together dwindled, and ceased and was the great abyss, with its dark rays, again released the brightness faded, only the twinkle of stars now the skies lit and the twin souls, two once strongly joined, forever split... Never again would they share a space, or feel the other's soothing heat for it was only destined that the two would meet each took a separate course, and into the unknown darkness strode yet they had marked one another, and retained an enduring memento even as they set for different roads each soul forever touched by the other's fire, until each life old age extinguished... eternally apart and yet perpetually inseparable, they were now two spirits forever anew distinguished.