Twin Flames

Discussion in 'Relationships' started by r4n8e, Oct 4, 2014.

  1. r4n8e

    r4n8e Member

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    Sorry but I didnt include the nitty gritty crucial events that had happened since I'm a bit sleepy now, and a bit dizzy because I cried; an forgive my english grammar as well.

    So here's my story, I met this person in an online game when I was 14, he's 21 back then. Our places are really far apart he's in europe and I'm in the us. But despite the time differences we literally wait each other to go online and play every single day. One night I was not in the mood to play i exited my game but not the game software chat where we speak to each other while playing, then when he noticed that i exited the game he too exited. That time we talked about our lives and stuff, he told me he's a drug addict, living alone (but he has a girlfriend), he even opened up to me that he's bisexual, and other stuff. Then eventually we ended up talking everyday instead of playing, then one time I told him to send me a pic of him so that I could see what he looks like, after seeing his picture my first reaction was "he looks creepy" because he's thin haha and he doesnt look like a person that I expect him to look like XD At that time I thought I was straight. As time passed by, his gf left him, I tried comforting him. Then I just fell in love with him (I realized im bi too), I told him I love him, then he just told me he likes me but not love. Then years gone by our relationship as friends had been rough we had fights, he replies (with few words) to my very long messages after one month or two months. He's life in europe's fucked up because of his addiction. It's been hard for me about his situation, then one time I asked him to stop doing drugs, or is there anything I can do to make him stop (even though I know I couldn't stop him) he told me that he needed me to come to him, then that day I promised him I'll go there in the future once I get a job and save up some money. It's been heartbreaking for me to know he's life state, and just this January we became in an open relationship, because I asked him if we can be in an open relationship, since he doesn't want us to be really boyfriends unless I go to him in europe. Plus it'll prove whether or not we are meant for each other or not, it's the first time he said he loved. Then he got my number he calls me sometimes and text me (even when we're really far from each other). Then I broke up with him since he'd been acting cold, and he was back to normal, the guy who rarely replies to me. but I do love him. Now I'm 20 and he's 27, I still do love him even though he RARELY replies to me, his last reply was "U still alive?" sine I left him ddepressing stuff that had happened to me :( he's reply was disappointing but I understand that probably its because of his situation.

    It's been 7 years i still love him and would do anything for him. I cry EVERY night thinking that I wish I could've been there for him when he needed me most, I feel so guilty. Do you guys think he's my twin flame? I think twin flame is more like the highest soul mate state of two individuals , its more spiritual. I'll go to him one I save some money. I'm really worried that once I get to him it'll all be too late. It's like all I wanted to do in life is to make him smile and happy, despite not knowing him personally I feel like I know him deep inside and there's something inside me that really wants to be with him.

    I still remember the sweetest and weirdest things he told to me:
    "Go to sleep my dream prince"
    "You're my soul brother"

    PEACE All
  2. Moonglow181

    Moonglow181 Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    I am not of any twin flame beliefs....everyone is their own unique fingerprint...Even real twins are different.....two born in the same what I just meant by twins and have their own unique set of fingerprints.....

    but good luck to you and I hope you find happiness and your true love.
  3. RainyDayHype

    RainyDayHype flower power Lifetime Supporter

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    I don't think this is your twin flame, but only your soul would truely know because you will recognize your twin flame. He sounds like someone older (you met him when you were 13 and he was 20, correct?) that you that you had a connection with.. That's a bit of an age gap when you were only 13. Have you ever been in love besides this? This sounds like a first love that you will do anything for even if it means torturing yourself. He said he doesn't love you.. You also said he looks creepy... that's probably your instincts telling you not to trust him. He wants you to go there. Why won't he come out to you? You've never met him personally so you're not sure just how bad his drug problem is. Be careful... He's probably not taking all of this as serious as you are.

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