easy twenty bucks for free http://www.torontosun.com/2015/02/24/canadians-to-get-money-back-for-overpriced-electronics-as-part-of-80m-class-action-settlement fill out claim request here >> https://themoneyismine.ca/ bad news is it probably takes a year to collect after the deadline (deadline for claims is summer 2015)
I can't load that page. Guess a LOT of people are viewing it right now (I'm sure $20 will change their lives forever!). I've got money back from these types of class action suits before. Once I spent 3 days documenting all my CC expenses in foreign countries because I was overcharged in the exchange rate. After all that work, all I got back was $25 per card, which was the same anyone could've claimed without documenting anything. I was expecting like $1200 back... What a waste! Lesson is: just take what you can get up front, and don't bother to try to get more, cause they'll never give it to you.