Turning my phone's txt msg'ing to silent was the best thing i could have done!

Discussion in 'Random Thoughts' started by intongues, Jul 16, 2014.

  1. intongues

    intongues The Wizard

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    I know so many people, and me included to a point, that soon as their txt msg went off they had to look at it, even if not to reply but just HAD to see who it was. Most people will just go all out and have convos and stuff, but it's not a big deal to me, I just don't like doing it myself.

    My drummer gets every fb, twitter msg, anytime of day. even during the night when he's sleeping, we woke him up at 3am by chatting about band stuff through facebook group msg! Crazy or what?

    So turned my txt msg notification to off... now I look at my phone from time to time and see if i got something, i look but most of the time I forget about it all together and enjoy doing whatever it is without being interrupted by a beep! Calls still come through, the occasional email, just not everyone trying to say something.

    It's much more normal to me to check it every now and then, than to be on call 24 hours for anyone! And as much as you say you can ignore it, once you know it's beeped you are going to want to know what it was.

    Anyone else do anything to help them get away from the constant connection with people?

    I don't mean going in the woods and living off the trees... I mean just to do it based on your time and when you want to?
  2. RubySoho6

    RubySoho6 Organized Chaos

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    When I'm at work I turn the whole phone to silent. I don't have a job that I can just stop and check it every time it beeps. My texts are always set to vibrate with no beep but most people talk to me through fb messenger so it does beep. I have one group message that I have muted and I check once a day to get caught up because it can get overwhelming. I like to have my phone close though. I silence it at night so it doesn't wake me up.
  3. Spectacles

    Spectacles My life is a tapestry Lifetime Supporter

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    I don't have a cell phone and my land line has a message taking machine. I am only available if I want to be.
  4. intongues

    intongues The Wizard

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    With needing to be in connection with people all the time (for work/band/meeting type stuff), to have a directory at your fingers, especially in a bigger city.. having a cell and txt/internet makes everything so much easier!

    It's critical in life for me now, since i'm fairly busy! I always keep the ringer on low at least during work or sleeping just incase my family needs to get a hold for whatever reason i'd hate to miss the call..

    but other than my family, no one else gets to contact anytime!

    So other than phone calls, my phone wont make a noise! for FB, anything..
    I still use it as alot for so many social things, but not whenever it tells me to!
  5. Sallysmart

    Sallysmart Raynstorm Serenade

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    My job requires me to have it on even if only to see who is texting or calling.
    I don't respond to all tho, many times I look to see who it is and get back to them later. I don't have to shut anything off at night because no one tries to contact me after the nine ish point of the evening anyway. I keep it on in case someone needed me tho for an emergency.
    I don't text or make calls when in public. I do that in my car when parked or at home usually. I hate talking to someone where others have ears all over me and I really hate when others do it and they are fighting with their partner or kids over something. Used to be kids knew what to do and they didn't question it while the parent was out.
    What really got me once was a woman applying for a job, she sat in front of me, looking like a great potential till her phone rang and she dared answer it. Stopped our conversation and she told her kid quite bluntly, "I told you I am at an interview!" Then a few mins later it rang again, this would have been ok still because I liked her but she answered it, same kid asking for something she was told she couldn't have or do earlier. And again "I told you, I am at an interview, you are making me look bad!" Then it rang once more and yes, she answered it and their conversation was like a "Wait till I get home!"
    The kid didn't make her look bad, she made herself look bad because as long as you sucker into the phone call the first time, it isn't gonna stop unless you throw that damn thing out. It's was too bad because before the calls. I had already hired her in my mind, that killed it right there because you know her work day would consist of many calls she could not avoid answering, let's say she has three kids,,,, I know she had at least two girls because she looked at me, shook her head, sighed and said "My girls,,, raising teens is tough"
    I called my parents a very few times while they were at work, once was because I fell and had to go to the hospital for my foot. Another because someone attacked my sister and I had to deal with the offender (smacked her into the next day) and I wanted them to know what happened before her parents got all over mine at their work place since they worked in the same area. Call for something we wanted,,, not a chance.
  6. FireflyInTheDark

    FireflyInTheDark Sell-out with a Heart of Gold

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    I think cell phones as opposed to landlines are the best thing that have ever happened to me. When I was younger, our phone used to ring off the freaking hook every single night. They were eithey my best friend trying to get a hold of me or family or something church-related calling for my mom. She's a church organist and was in charge of the choir, and old retired ladies have ZERO life outside of stuff like this, so they kept her pretty busy. They still do. It was so irritating to constantly be interrupted, especially when you just sit down to some piping hot food that's fresh and you're enjoying a little conversation and BAM somebody needs you RIGHT NOW for some crap you don't care about.
    When I was home alone, I would let it ring forever, lol... Love putting my phone on vibrate in the other room and being like "sorry, I was busy." You have to now and again. It's important to have alone time. I'm not a doctor. I can't be on emergency call 24/7. Honestly, if a family member was dying in the hospital, there would be nothing I could do anyway. I live 8 hours away.

    As for friends, I do like to keep connected. I live alone, so after a while I get a little weird if I don't. But one of the reasons I moved into my own place 40 minutes away from my nearest friend is because I needed to be on my own for a while... just to be me and figure out who that is. Can't do that with facebook chatter in my ear every second... I still shudder from the time I accidentally enabled mobile notifications. >_<
  7. AmericanTerrorist

    AmericanTerrorist Bliss

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    Ugh, yea, years ago I accidentally enabled fb to send my cell notifications too and that had to be stopped-was super annoying.

    Anyways, I'm usually one of two ways with my cell phone. One way is how I am with it in the mornings and also when there is reason for me to check my texts right away (like when my son's at a babysitters).... for some reason in the morning I always have my phone out while I'm getting myself and everyone ready for the day....texting lists and notes for the day to myself.... contacting anyone who I need to make plans with for the day or the week and people (esp in my family) know that's the best time to get a hold for me about logistics and stuff (so many things being planned right now).... So anyways for a couple hours, phone is on and out and always checked.

    The rest of the time (unless son is at sitter or some other reason that I need to be checking texts right away) phone is usually totally on silent and it's checked anywhere from every couple of hours to every half hour to an hour. Don't see any reason to check it more often esp. when I've dealt with logistics of the day/week/etc in the morning...
  8. Wizardofodd

    Wizardofodd Senior Member

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    I can turn my phone to silent but I usually don't. I usually check to at least see who texted me or is calling me. I don't always answer the phone unless it's one of my kids. I always answer right away if it's them. Could be an emergency. It's happened before.
  9. intongues

    intongues The Wizard

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    yeah i used to check it enough as it is just for something to do.. the beep was just the devil forcing me to look when I had other things going on!
  10. AmericanTerrorist

    AmericanTerrorist Bliss

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    One thing I cannot stand is people who think that because you have a cell phone you are on call to them (more or less) night or day (at least when you are not sleeping). Just because I have a cell phone and you text me does not mean I have to text you back in the next ten minutes... or even the next hour. Sometimes people really do have a life and other things to do.
  11. AceK

    AceK Scientia Potentia Est

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    When someone texts u and u respond then they say "call me", like I might be doing something more important but the fact that u responded with a text means that ur available (in their logic) so it sounds rude if u say no but damn, it would be better if they just called me first and I could ignore it then text them and say I was busy it just sounds better that way.

    Sometimes what can be said can be said in few words and anything more than that is really a waste of time and a distraction from what I should be doing.

    I also can't stand people asking me the same fuckin questions that I've already answered
  12. I'minmyunderwear

    I'minmyunderwear Newbie

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    i have an old phone that just gets calls and texts, no facebook or email alerts or any of that. and a vast majority of the calls and texts i get are work stuff, so it's generally easiest for me to just deal with whatever it is when it happens rather than waiting until i notice the text and the sender is no longer available. then i just have to deal with phone tag, which is far worse than just being available.

    i do tend to leave my phone in my room once i get home in the evening, so if i'm outside my room i generally don't hear it ringing/beeping/vibrating.

    how do you feel about when someone texts u and u respond then they say "call me," like you might be doing something more important but the fact that u responded with a text means that ur available (in their logic) so it sounds rude if u say no but damn, it would be better if they just called you first and you could ignore it then text them and say you were busy it just sounds better that way?
  13. AceK

    AceK Scientia Potentia Est

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    maybe it doesn't actually sound better, but to them, they will at least know that i answered instead of just saying no im not gonna call you ive got better things to do. i really dont give that much of a fuck, but the texting me to have me call them thing really gets me, like why don't they just save a step and make the phone call themselves?

    and then theres those people that think their phone is tapped or "hacked" so they change their numbers all the time ..

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