Anyone have one? I just started one and would love to find other people to follow! Since it's new, I don't have a lot on there yet, but it'll pick up fast . Expect everything from cute to funny to deep thoughts to fetish. PM me if you to exchange tumblr pages or follow!
I have quite a few friends on it. I intend to use it for random ramblings. I use facebook for pics of kids/keeping in touch with family and such. This is more for fun and things that I wouldn't necessarily post on fb.
I have a few tumblrs - never really got into them. More into instagram. I do have a pinterest - those are cool.
Pictures, gifs, blog posts, etc. Like facebook, but with way fewer restrictions on what you can post.
Woo tumblr! I was just about to post a picture of my hip to show off my flogger marks that look like leopard print :x