Trying to publish gf's book? Where do I begin?

Discussion in 'Writers Forum' started by dobier, May 31, 2014.

  1. dobier

    dobier Guest

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    My girlfriend just got done writing her first book. She has kept a journal her whole life and wrote a book on it and a relationship she was in years back. Basically she has asked me that I kinda be her literary agent even though I think if you wanna be a literary agent just call yourself one. She has no connections, no publisher friends, nobody who has written a book before. I'm all she has and I don't know what to do. I don't even know where to begin. She's already edited twice I believe by herself and once by me. But that's as far as it goes. What can I do next in order to get this ball rolling?
  2. fleamailman

    fleamailman Member

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    (" what you are doing then..." replied the goblin, adding " nothing for now I suppose, but explain your situation upon writer's forums so that once you have the various options you can decide amongst them, where I myself am the wrong one to be advising you here for my lack of faith in ebooks at this point, but clearly much depends upon the quality of the work, the depth of your pockets, and how far you're willing to compromise too, where doing nothing is better than a rash move, so go slowly without commitment is all I'm suggesting...")
  3. Jalesto

    Jalesto Jalpnoenma

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    A good book to consider is called "The Well-Fed Self-Publisher". Even if you don't plan to self-publish, it's a great primer for any kind of published material. It walks you through the whole process.

    I will warn you though, if you are not willing to self-publish, you may not get published for a while. You should also be prepared to market your book. Most publishing companies expect this now. Lots of sci-fi writers have booths as cos-play shows like Comicon and DragonCon so they can directly market.

    Self-publishing is also a way to build a reputation for being involved instead of being an "eccentric" writer who lives in a cardboard box and drives a lime green Porsche with pink wheels. Publishers want consistent writers who meet deadlines.
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