Trying to make tea... needing measurement conversion

Discussion in 'Medicinal Cannabis and Marijuana' started by Lady_lazarus, Mar 29, 2018.

  1. Lady_lazarus

    Lady_lazarus Members

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    I'd like to cut back on the meds I take at night and had the idea to make some medicated tea. But here I am, on my second trial dose and I can feel almost no observable body high. Same with my friend who was helping me test it. We both tried a different method using the same amounts. Pretty much all the recipes I found had the same measurements and I've made edibles in the past so I'm fairly confident that's not the issue. My guess is that I didn't use enough flower because I didn't have a scale and so I was using a measuring spoon instead. I found some info online that 1/4 tsp = 1gm and went by that. Can anyone tell me if this is accurate? My friend and I each had 1/2 tsp and therefore expected a much stronger effect. We both thought it didn't look like a 2gs... I guess I could go get a scale but I'd honestly prefer not to have one.
  2. deleted

    deleted Visitor

    cannabis not water soluble.
    Lady_lazarus likes this.
  3. Lady_lazarus

    Lady_lazarus Members

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    No, of course not. I made chai tea using cream in one recipe and butter in the other. Just added the tea at the end. The only water used was in brewing the tea. I just need to know the gram to tsp conversion.
  4. ~Zen~

    ~Zen~ California Tripper Administrator

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    Yes, cannabis is not water soluble, but you can make a milk extract that will put you to sleep quite nicely :)

    Take your shake, trim etc, and place into a double boiler, which is simmering and ready. Add the milk, and stir continuously until the milk is hot, but not boiling.

    Filter or strain, and sip away. You can add it to tea if you want... like chai is always great. It is the fat in the milk that dissolves the THC etc and as such remember to use full fat milk, not 2 % or the dreaded skim variety. In fact, for the true Moroccan experience add a dab of butter and salt.
    Lynnbrown and Lady_lazarus like this.
  5. ~Zen~

    ~Zen~ California Tripper Administrator

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    You have to extract the essences of the cannabis plant into the fat in the milk, before adding it to the tea in order to get decently high.
    Lady_lazarus likes this.
  6. Lady_lazarus

    Lady_lazarus Members

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    This what we did. It's just super weak. I think my measurements were just off. It didn't look like a gram to me, but other online conversions I found said 1/4 tsp = 1g so I went with it.

  7. Lady_lazarus

    Lady_lazarus Members

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    So if someone could help us out and tell me how many grams are in a teaspoon, that'd be great. Otherwise I have to drive to town for a new scale.
  8. deleted

    deleted Visitor

    1gram of good flower, pulled by milk or cream is probably around 10-25mg. a scoop of cream with be closer 100mg if you used more flower.

    but what you seem to be asking is trick math, because there is no true possible way to know the amount of thc in a gram unless provided by the supplier on the medicine.
    Lynnbrown and farmerdon like this.
  9. Aerianne

    Aerianne Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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  10. soulcompromise

    soulcompromise Member HipForums Supporter

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    How many grams of what though? :)
  11. Lady_lazarus

    Lady_lazarus Members

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    Just forget it. I knew it was a mistake to think returning to HF was going to be a fun time. My bad for thinking someone would be kind enough to help a girl out when I'm in the middle of an anxiety attack and do not have access to traditional weighing methods . Have a blessed end to your week.
  12. soulcompromise

    soulcompromise Member HipForums Supporter

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    I think the problem here is a miscommunication. I honestly don't know if you mean a gram of sugar or a gram of weed. Totally different number of teaspoons! :)
    Lady_lazarus likes this.
  13. Lady_lazarus

    Lady_lazarus Members

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    I'm just stunned that a staff member's response to an earnest request for help is a sarcastic "LMGTFY," particularly when the OP stayed clearly that Google had already not been helpful. Nobody even answered my question and then y'all get snarky when I clarify it and try again?! This isn't the same HipForums I left and was excited to return to. Since no one would help I drove 30 miles into town for a scale... that turned out not to work. So I am still trying to make this dumb tea with correct measurements and my anxiety is even worse.

    I appreciate your willingness to help, soulcompromise. I thought it was clear that I am asking for a way to measure out about a gram of weed without a scale. I only have teaspoon measuring cups in my apartment. In my mind it would be easy for someone with both a scale and a teaspoon to quickly weigh out a gram and then tell me if it does actually fit into only 1/4 tsp. It looks like a hell of a lot less than a g to me.
    soulcompromise likes this.
  14. rollingalong

    rollingalong Banned

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    give me a minute I need to get my scale and a spoon
    Lady_lazarus likes this.
  15. rollingalong

    rollingalong Banned

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    a heaping teaspoon of crumbled up weed but not powdered is .4 level and .7 heaping

    I hope this helps you good luck
    Lady_lazarus likes this.
  16. rollingalong

    rollingalong Banned

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    can someone translate these letters for this old hippie please?
  17. Lady_lazarus

    Lady_lazarus Members

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    Thank you so very much, kynd sir! Greatly appreciated. :hearteyecat:
    rollingalong likes this.
  18. Lady_lazarus

    Lady_lazarus Members

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    LMGTFY = let me Google that for you. Aka a sarcastic way of saying, "Look it up yourself. "
  19. rollingalong

    rollingalong Banned

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    oh...that's unfortunate.......don't let it stop you from coming back more thread in the stoners lounge is fairly safe :)
    Lady_lazarus likes this.
  20. ~Zen~

    ~Zen~ California Tripper Administrator

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    My apologies for staff not being helpful. Perhaps that staff member does not have any knowledge of this subject whatsoever.

    Yes, 4.2 grams should fit into a teaspoon. It varies though, depending on the density of the material. Grams are weighed, teaspoons are a measurement of volume, and do not necessarily correlate. And different strains of weed have more oomph than others.

    That is the eternal conundrum with edibles. There is great difficulty achieving accurate dosing with cannabis, especially for home cooks.

    You've got to just wing it and experiment... start off with milder batches and make them increasingly stronger until they hit the spot you are looking for.
    rollingalong likes this.
  21. Aerianne

    Aerianne Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    I can speak for myself, lol.

    Google is my go-to for conversions.
    ZenKarma likes this.

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