Trying to finish with penetration and failing.

Discussion in 'Genitalia' started by Sweetnpetite, Oct 25, 2020.

  1. Sweetnpetite

    Sweetnpetite Banned

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    When my husband and I have sex I tend to go right for my clit, but through self touch I'm working towards doing a little less of this. I love rubbing my clit and he likes when I do it as well, but I just want to try. It seems I'm getting closer and closer practicing on my own.

    When he leaves I make sure the house is nice and warm. I remove my clothes. The first thing I do is draw circles on my breasts, until my nipples become firm. Then I take my hands between my thighs grazing my inner thighs with my fingertips. At this point im usually wet. I take one finger dip it into my wetness and gently run it up and down my clit. I keep my movement slow and breathe with each movement. I love love love when i can feel it swell under my fingers. I take my toy..which i never turn on..i dont like vibration i like thrusting. I work it in just an inch at a time. I promise myself i wont touch my clit, i just thrust it deep and slow. Sometimes i like to sit on it as i do that lick my nipples i can barely reach but its worth the effort. Im always moaning at this point and ready to come, but i know i need to rub my clit to do that still. I put my toy on the door frame and grind against it. I take it out and rub it up and down my clit. I like doing that with my husbands dick too. I start thinking about sucking on him when he comes home and get wetter. I put my toy back inside myself and start moving faster. Im so close but i need to rub so i take two wet fingers and kind of pinch my clit, then draw small circles around it, when im really ready. I start rubbing it directly light and fast. I come hard. My body feels exhausted from riding it for so long, but i'll be ready for the real thing later.
  2. NubbinsUp

    NubbinsUp Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    You should learn a bit more about your anatomy. The clitoris is this size and shape, and the vast majority of it doesn't protrude at all. Even though you claim that you aren't stimulating your clit, essentially everything you do between your legs does exactly that - stimulates your clit.


    What you are referring to as your clit is really the glans clitoris, and likely also the clitoral hood. They're the part near the tip of the index finger of the hand holding the model of the clitoris in this picture. With all insertion and thrusting you say you do without touching your clit, you really are touching it. You're stimulating it with every insertion or thrust of your finger or phallus. If you're stimulating any part of your vulva or vagina, you're stimulating nerves that are directly part of, or connected to, your clitoris.
  3. Tom Corby

    Tom Corby Members

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    ENJOY..... I sure enjoyed :wink:
  4. Paulievcvc

    Paulievcvc Members

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    It's natural. A lot of women cannot come through penetration, my wife included. She needs her clitoris licked or massaged. The closest she gets to cumming is through anal penetration.
  5. Klimax2gether

    Klimax2gether Members

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    What you have said is really true. Ultimate stimulation and orgasm comes from stimulation of nerve endings from the glans, clitoral shaft or body.
  6. iamjustme

    iamjustme Wishful thinker HipForums Supporter

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    Women not being able to orgasm via intercourse is unfortunately, the norm.
    The exposed part of her clit is REALLY sensitive, so she doesn't like it touched/licked directly.
    She can orgasm pretty much every time by rubbing the area immediately above the exposed part.
    Klimax2gether likes this.
  7. gmanuk1965

    gmanuk1965 Members

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    Don't understand what you are saying there. As you know, I am not very experienced in this sex mallarky and I've only been with escorts but every one of them like me licking their clit directly. There has been times when the same escorts have mentioned sensitivities in other areas and told me to not do it such as nipples on enhanced breasts so they do tell me what not to do, yet none of them has told me to keep away from their clit.
    Klimax2gether likes this.
  8. skip

    skip Founder Administrator

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