Image from Amazon VYCE PrimalStep Toe Separators. Its like the 4th day and seem to be able to wear them longer before it hurts a bit. think its been like an hour. Absolutely when I first take them off my toes are more separated. I searched before and after pictures and can't tell if the person is cheating by spreading toes because the pictures all show feet on the floor. It should work in reverse if shoes can change foot shape with compression spreading toes should reverse the situation I would imagine regular barefooters would have much better results then those who squash toes back together with shoes every day.
If only could go back in time before regular ones crunched my feet, they should all be wide its like modern times 1900s pointy shoes make crooked squashed toes and why do they wear shoes on star trek the ship has nice carpet everywhere and no one goes outside and tracks in dirt or anything nothing bad to step on anywhere.
Heh. I went too far, and started by wearing them overnight. I only need remediation on my L foot. The right splays well, better with intent, but a good enough neutral. I have worn them at work, it sucks in the shod portion, but is comfortable when I can take shoes off. I’m ready to upgrade above Amazon Cheap so I get symmetry.
I guess I did, you were posting about your feet so a pic illustrating what you were posting about would be helpful. As a moderator why wouldn’t you post a pic of your feet and why as a moderator would it be odd to request you to do so.
I misplaced my toe separators. Should have turned up by now I guess I was walking around inside took them off where ever I was when I decided to go out and gone can't find. It was starting to become a habit to wear when watching tv/youtube or going online. Long commitment I guess for results. It did feel kinda cool till they hurt a bit.
So does it work after all that time ? I don't need a picture just say. But the few before and after pictures online looks like they were cheating holding toes apart by pushing on the ground. Many Amazon reviews claim they work though. It should in theory if shoe can squash in the reverse should work I don't know when the damage was done maybe when I was still growing I think it was crappy tight shoes as a teen.
ok, I’m going to start answering as a remedial/medical massage therapist first, and then my experience. Pressing toes into a surface allows the max splay to show in an obvious way (ok, I’m also answering from a shutter bug, I guess, lol), but it also allows the person to isolate the toes to spread them out. It’s a feedback for the brain. (Think trying to move just your small toe - tough until you tell your brain what you want by touching it. At that point it’s up to your muscle agility and strength) so, personally, I splay naturally well enough, but with resistance feedback, it looks like the ads. (Ha). The cheap ones work enough to give me hope, but not well enough to engender hope in them. Weirdly, yoga toe socks with “padding” around the individual toe openings help, and don’t have the weird jelly feeling. basically, I’m willing to try a better spreader, because it’s remedial for muscles not communicating their best with my brain (this is common, I have a complete protocol for brain/ muscle feedback around impingement from other muscles. I’m way over educated!) But, I’m not looking actively right now, and doing more walking on extremely varied terrain.