I'm a quantum ecologist. I bio-engineer eco-synthetic matrices. I also moonlight as a social media platform entrepreneurial philanthropist, crowdsourcing outside the box, paradigm shifting ideas with my cross-platform cloud algorithm. I'm E-learning my i-Inovation and being a synergistic thought-leader providing an immesive E-experience! Help me write jargon-filled non-resumes or non-abstracts! Here are some informational E-resources: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_buzzwords
So you extract DMT and related compounds from natural sources, ok.... then you sell the resulting eco-synthetic compounds at raves and festivals.... cool..:2thumbsup: or at least that's one possible way to interpret it
no offense to ecologists. I just like adding the prefixes "Eco", "bio" or "quantum" to things. C'mon help me make resume padding buzz-words.
no, what we're really trying to do is this: Look, we're going to have to mind-share our next-generation event horizon through enabling customer centric co-opetition. And this is why I think the management visibility of the new economy is perfect for our sustainable new company: Prestige Worldwide.
that's the point. This is meant to be satire. But I shouldn't have to tell you that. c'mon help me come up with good jargon buzz-paragraphs . I just smoked a blunt and did it with my friend it's really fun. Ohhhh shit, George Carlin does this or almost 5 minutes straight: https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=nNtRO3IrGg4 holy shit he's like a modernist rapper.