If you're not sure if you have a green thumb, and you want to try something that's no-fail, try mint. It literally grows like a weed. It's a good plant to get the kids started on too. It teaches them part of gardening is keeping the garden under control. Just make sure it doesn't take over the neighbor's yard too.
Well, I started late, but I tried growing mint in a container this summer and it hasn't sprouted at all. I only ever have problems with things that are supposedly "easy to grow". Oregano has worked much better for me.
I think pretty much anything like that with tiny seed you have to sprout indoors. I've bought mint and basil plants at the grocery store sold as 'fresh herbs' and grown them, try that since you can't find plants now. In fact, I put in mint at the base of my potted palm that I keep on my patio just for looks. There's a lot of seedlings in those plants - you might want to thin or divide them.
I was actually thinking about doing that. I've done that with rosemary. Thanks for the tip twogigahz!
Nooo...........mint is evil(work)...............Smells nice/nice for your tea, but it takes over your hole garden, put it in a pot or put a border around it Mzzls