Then they posted a picture of it online. This is totally uncalled for and shows how the spoiled Trump kids think they can get away with killing innocent animals just because they are rich. I am glad there are others that agree with me such as those in this video below.
Wow his son should be executed. That kind of behavior is unexcepatable in todays world. I'm a liberal and will be voting for hillary rodham clinton this fall to show how politically correct i am
This is not funny! What kind of world are we living in where we are teaching our children it's alright to kill pterodactyls, wooly mammoths and saber tooth tigers? What's next, hunting gays and transgender people? This is yet another example of how Donald Trump is an evil man and must not be allowed to win this coming election. We need a president who cares. We need the loving guidance of Hillary Rodham Clinton.
Yes it is amazing how ill informed some Americans can be or what weird things they can believe in. “I have not seen a shred of evidence that shows that global warming, if it even exists to the extent that is being claimed by some, is the result of humans or greenhouse gases. The fact is global warming is basically being used to promote a totalitarian agenda which entails higher taxation, more laws and bureaucracy which restrict personal freedoms, and global governance” – Pressed Rat
We're only allowed to have an opinion on climate science so long as it conforms the norm, because consensus is fact.
We're only allowed to have an opinion on science so long as it conforms the norm, becaues consensus is fact. More than four in 10 Americans continue to believe that God created humans in their present form 10,000 years ago, a view that has changed little over the past three decades. Half of Americans believe humans evolved, with the majority of these saying God guided the evolutionary process. However, the percentage who say God was not involved is rising.
It's fact in Balbus's head, even though the findings of more than 400 scientists worldwide were omitted from the IPCC report for not going along with the "official" explanation. Yes, I still stand behind my longstanding view that man-made global warming is bullshit.
Hi Rat You never did tell me if you still believe that Lucifer worshippers secretly rule the world or was it a cabal of pterodactyl’s or something like that? Anyway still trying to work out what your OP has to do with politics? Doesn’t Trump think that climate change is bullshit no wonder you seem to keep supporting him.
I thought it was legal to hunt triceratops in Africa, with a permit, under some invasive species act. They are native to North America and their introduction to Africa has caused a major impact on resources that elephants and other wildlife depend upon.
Guys. The whole dinosaurs being extinct thing is a conspiracy. They walk amongst us but only the elite know about them and their secret hiding places. So obviously the Trumps are part of the Illuminati if they're allowed to not only know of their existence but hunt them as well. We're staring in the face of the new world order, where population control will kill all the poor people and all that will be left is the elite and the dinosaurs. If you don't believe me you're blind to the truth.
When we shifted our emphasis from pollution control to massive global climate concern, we alienated a lot of human beings from the problem. Like it or not, climate change is nebulous for most people on this planet. However, pollution is something they can understand readily. I wonder how many "climate change" issues would be solved more readily if they were framed simply as pollution.
I wonder if they'd react the same to the news of the Trump kids killing a unicorn and a centaur. Are you sure? I thought they were native to Pangea. But I suppose North America was part of Pangea once upon a time.