Now his father wasn't but his grandfather was. In fact, his grandfather lived in Germany until he was draft age and then he left to avoid it. Hmm, maybe draft dodging is a genetic trait? Well, his grandfather made some money and tried to go back to Germany but was denied and so he moved to the US. So, the truth is, the Donald is of German heritage. Maybe that's how he got his racist ideas?
Well Donald Trump's father was arrested at a Ku Klux Klan Rally back in 1927. Not exactly the Nazi party which was originally founded in 1920 but they travel in the same circles
Yeah, nice try. But the OP reached. This is exactly the ignorant, non educated response that Europeans turn their nose up to.
Yeah, and since America voted for Trump it's like they're all double racists because Americans allowed slavery and then they all voted for Trump and that's why he's in. So. Double racists.
I agree but have you ever heard of the German American Bund, or German American Federation (German: Amerikadeutscher Bund; Amerikadeutscher Volksbund, AV), was a German-American pro-Nazi organization established in 1936 to succeed Friends of New Germany (FoNG), the new name being chosen to emphasize the group's American credentials after press criticism that the organization was unpatriotic. The Bund was to consist only of American citizens of German descent. Its main goal was to promote a favorable view of Nazi Germany.
I seriously doubt that Trump is a Nazi. Reason: He probably wouldn't be so friendly towards Israel if he was. A racist perhaps he might be. A man with chronic bad hair day For sure
Many 19th and 20th century european immigrants that had something in common, like the same area of origin, joined some form of bond, club or organisation in their new country just to have something in common with other new people there and/or to keep certain traditions and stuff in honor. I know examples of it in the US and Canada, south America (Brasil) and Australia. Sometimes this was seen as a threat to the uhm integration as we would say now, but more often not since esp. countries like the US, Canada and Australia were primarily settled by and controlled by european immigrants or descendants from those in the first place.
None of the countries I mentioned were colonies at that time anymore. The area in Brasil where dutch people flocked together and that I visited myself was still called 'the colony' when I was there though But that's just an old name.
Brasil was a colony of Portugal. My X wife is one of them. They moved to New Bedford Massachusetts in the late 1890s and more came after America took Hawaii, which was also one of their colonies.