as to your earlier statement about not bidens fault , even Pelosi disagrees with you Nancy Pelosi blames Joe Biden for election loss as finger pointing intensifies
My error. Thanks for the link. So how did the Democrats use identity politics, and what should they have done differently? From your link: Looks like Trump also used identity politics. Now, what makes you think the MAGA crew would have voted against their cult leader?
Of course, time to blame themselves. That's a major Democratic flaw, not to mention the media. Let's blame each other instead of an American public that chose a felon...let me repeat that, a felon and rapist, for president!! The media and the Democrats should have been shouting that from the rooftops, but they didn't. I still get a newspaper and I never saw a 72 point headline on the front page declaring "Republicans Declare Felon and Sexual Predator as Presidential Candidate!" Why is that?
As you know, I do not think that Trump is all bad and that his proposed necessary measures were about to derail the corporations gravy train. Hence his demise in popularity during his previous term During covid, I posted a lot on HF, maintaining that the deaths were not additional and history has now proved that I was correct. However, a post from Probair worried me, leading me to look at the US, since my calculations were based on Western Europe. One of the reasons for this, was that I could not obtain 2020 mortality figures for the US from the world health organisation. Last month to my complete horror, to put it in a nutshell, I have calculated that Trump's incompetence and lack of guidance led to around 200,000 completely unnecessary deaths in your country. His utter stupidity and lack of respect for advice given by highly qualified virologist on how to triage people who fell sick and needed medical intervention was the cause. For this reason, if for none other, I feel that for all his good ideas about making America great again, he is neither fit or competent to hold office as president. He has some good ideas, but sadly, as history has now shown, they will never get beyond the 'hot air' stage. I feel that he should be retained as a policy advisor, but NEVER as the boss.
Because after all, he's innocent! Just ask him! Fraud? Sexual assault? Stealing classified documents? Inciting an insurrection? All bogus charges, including the 34 bogus charges he was convicted of! He was framed by the deep state! His MAGA followers believe him, why won't you?!
Now is the time to create a third party made up of Moderate Republicans, moderate Democrats and independents. My guess is that the new party will make up 40-60 Percent of the electorate. The Republican Conservatives will wind up with 20-25%, The Liberal Democrats with 10-15% of the Electorate. It is time to end Minority Rule in this country, and put the extremists on the fringe like the system in Germany. The time is right, and hope that a large number in congress will change their party affiliation..
I don't think the maga crew would ever vote against him I believe I already said that BUT I do think that the fence sitters , non committed and others just may have and it might have been enough IF indeed they did something different And unlike you I am not going to put the blame on the american public , they clearly did not want more of the same and were force fed TWO BAD choices they resoundly made their choice, Do I agree with it NOPE but I will be forced to live with it, I'm certainly not going to go around with a NOT MY PRESIDENT sticker like a frickin moron but I am going to do my best to make sure it does not happen again AND that we get that asshole out of office legally and as soon as possible
Because as a country we have lost our way. This is from Oct. 25: Did the 'L.A. Times' and other news outlets pull punches to appease Trump? They are chicken ass cowards.
So what you are saying is that Harris was just as bad as Trump. Having an honest black woman prosecutor as president is just as bad as having a convicted felon and sexual molester...among other faults. The American public makes no distinction.
false dichotomy, Do I think Harris was bad? eh she was not a great choice, I think better then trump BUT clearly most did not and I accept and understand why
Assuming they would need at least 4 percent of the US Population to get all of us, that would require about 14 million thugs, soldiers, misfits, criminals, gangsters, and lowlifes. Not likely.
I would REALLY like to see President Joe Biden pardon anyone and everyone that he wants to. a. He has that constitutional authority. b. In this situation it is a "use it" or lose it opportunity. c. If he pardons his son Hunter - so be it. I hope he does. d. 12:00 Noon on January 19, 2025 would be great timing! e. (or he could retire and let Kamala Harris do it.)
If you look at the stats, The Family Values Candidate got almost the same number of votes as in 2020. The difference is in Democrats who did not vote or left the presidential choices blank. I will suggest that men did not want a minority female as president, or they believed Heir Trump's lies about Biden. Part of the inflation issues were the responsibility of oil cartels in Texas or OPEC, who did not like having an honest president in the white house. Now that there will be a convicted felon in the white house oil prices will dramatically fall. Most of the other inflationary costs are the result of increased shipping costs (Gas Prices) and Trumps tax cut, with congress unable to work together to reduce spending. I feel sorry for all of the Trump supporters will have to pay extra for everything to offset his tariffs. Mid sized cars and fuel efficient vehicles will probably cost over $100,000, while gas guzzlers will be cheaper, making Texas Oil Tycoons extremely happy.
You are the one who presented the dichotomy. You said the public was "fed TWO BAD choices" and "they resoundly made their choice..." A dichotomy is a division into two contrasting things or parts. You are the one who claimed the public, "were force fed TWO BAD choices", not me. If you think it's a false dichotomy, you are the one who presented it. Now why do you claim: 1. The public was force fed Trump as a candidate? I thought the Republican party chose him, and were supported by over half of the population. Obviously they didn't think he was a bad choice. 2. Are you claiming the public thought both Trump and Harris were bad choices and they picked the lesser of the two? If so why do you think the public thought a convicted felon was a better candidate. More broadly why did they think Trump was a better candidate? 3. How was Harris force fed to the public? I thought she was chosen by the Democratic party? 4. Why do you think the public thought a convicted felon was a better candidate tan Harris? I think Harris was a good choice and Trump was a bad choice. My contention is that the public don't like a woman as a candidate, don't like a strong intelligent woman as a candidate, don't like a woman of mixed ancestry (Black and Indian), don't like including people of all races in the American Dream, don't like any laws or court proceedings that go against their chosen idol, and that they have no clue about how economics or foreign policy works. They are highly gullible in that they believe inane conspiracy theories and twisted logic and they love violence. Now why do you understand why they chosen Trump? Please tell me, because I think it's a very simple case of violent racism and a love of anarchy.