Every day, I dread finding out what new atrocities have befallen us. Every day, I wonder if more of my rights are gone. Every day, I think about how long it will be before food is too expensive to feed my family. Every day, I have to worry about the safety of my lgbtq+ child. Every day, I have to wonder if I should finalize my divorce as soon as possible or stay married so that if they take my rights to own property, at least my husband would get ownership of my land and the money in my bank accounts. Every day, I have to worry that some "your body, my choice" asshole might rape someone I care about and they might be forced to give birth to their rapist's baby. The list goes on and on.... At least in trumps first term, my biggest worry was if he would start a nuclear war with North Korea, now those concerns are almost looked at with nostalgia.
The racists patriots are ecstatic that brown people are being deported. That's all that matters because immigrants are Scapegoat #1. Trans are Scapegoat #2. Will you be Scapegoat #3?
The "patriots" have never read the Constitution and wouldn't understand it if they did. The only rights they believe in is the right for them to do anything they want, others be damned. They uphold what little they know of the 2nd so that they can shoot any governmental agent they don't like. They worship Trump and Elon because they are rich and can do anything they want. Lies are only lies to them if they disagree with them. They aren't upset because they don't like our government and they don't like the Constitution when it rules against them. They want the government to be destroyed and they want Trump and Elon to destroy it. They are essentially anarchists, not patriots.
Trump is not an anarchist, and neither are his supplicants MOST anarchists are reasonably intelligent
" I am the Law"..........Louis IV of France " I am the Law" Mayor Frank Hague of Jersey City 1917 to 1947
Don't you see that I am trying to implore Republicans to stop supporting him? To finally wake up to who he really is. I am fully aware that some may never turn on him, that some are only interested in how much damage and pain he can inflict on those they see as "other" be it because of race, religion, sexual orientation, etc... but there are people who voted for him because they actually believed he was going to make their lives better, some apparently didn't realize how much our country depends on immigrants to keep everything running, some didn't realize that he lied when he said he had nothing to do with project 2025, that their rights might be next. Was it right for them to not do any independent research, fact checking, or be even the slightest bit open minded when being told by people that they weren't going to get what they wanted? No, but what's done is done and unless you have a time machine, it can't be undone, so we need to move forward in this new reality and try to make allies out of enemies, band together, fight for our country with as many people as we can get on board with that notion, even those that made mistakes and helped create this mess. Your hate is no better than their hate, no matter how justified it seems. We need to be the United States of America again, emphasis on united. Like it or not, we are all in this together and we all have to fight back against tyranny and the usurpation of our country by unelected billionaires and their minions.
I never said I hated anyone. My point is that those who voted for Trump are at a limited level of consciousness. They are driven by emotions, not facts, logic, or science. They perceive their selves to be separate from the rest of the world and only respond to things that directly affect them. They have little empathy for others and have little comprehension of cause and effect. They feel everyone is out to get them (the government in particular) and thus have no tolerance for other views or lifestyles, as they see them as direct assaults on their own lives. There can be no banding together with them until they outgrow their emotional handicaps and develop empathy for all human beings, or they turn their emotional wrath back toward Trump and his policies; if they ever finally find out they've been had. Nothing will change until the Republicans begin turning on each other.
I think the only thing that will keep her out of the dungeon is her father, big Dick...and he is one evil mother...
Moon Goddess-- " it can't be undone, so we need to move forward in this new reality and try to make allies out of enemies, band together, fight for our country with as many people as we can get on board with that notion, even those that made mistakes and helped create this mess. Your hate is no better than their hate, no matter how justified it seems. We need to be the United States of America again, emphasis on united. Like it or not, we are all in this together and we all have to fight back against tyranny and the usurpation of our country by unelected billionaires and their minions." I don't agree with everything you said, but you make more sense than 98% of the others on this site. There is a TON of hate here.
However, we see how peace and love works with tRump.....he'll just run all over that....these narcistic people just do not have a normal thought pattern and they think they all do...
It is normal to expect fiscal disipline from our elected representatives ? America does owe some forty billion to our lenders. Is this debt legitimate ? I dont hate anybody.
If this isn't proof of Trump's mental decline nothing is!! https://www.cnn.com/2025/02/05/politics/how-trump-decided-gaza-strip-take-over/index.html
It depends on what you expect the result to be. I don't agree with many of Liz's policies or views but when the shit came down she showed courage, grit, honesty, and a deep respect for law and order. She stood her ground and will take the consequences. I'm not saying that standing up to Trump won't have consequences but until a sufficient number of Republics grow some balls and fight this man nothing will stop him. The Democrats can't do it on their own and the voting public are not supporting them. Liz choose the country over her career and her personal safety. In that light I think it went very well for Liz. Until more Republicans"...pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes, and our sacred Honor", Trump will continue to wreck havoc.
And where does this hate originate? How many on this site are agaisnt gays? How many are convicted sexual predators? How many have committed 34 felonies? How many have mocked the disabled, called our war heroes losers, or called the free press the enemy of the people? Who has said that immigrates are eating cats and dogs, or said he wants to execute one of his top generals? Who told the Proud Boys to stand back and stand by? Who told a white crowd they had good genes while he was attacking Somali refugees? Who called Mexican immigrants rapists? Who told Reps. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Ayanna Pressley and Rashida Tlaib, who were all born in the U.S., to go back to the countries they came from? On and on. Moon Goddess this is what I mean when I say that there is no working together with Trump supporters. They support all of the above, as they support Trump. They are driven by emotions, not facts, logic, or science, and you can't have rational conversations or work with them. I have tried to exhaustion.
And how many elected officials OR EVEN members of the voting public have her level of commitment and/or honesty? (rhetorical question as the answer is NOT many)