Haha. I've watched 14 mins so far and she's in way over her head. The moment she started bringing up the Berlin wall I was just like oh here we bloody go, this is such a typical moron fed absolute nonsense, so I was happy to see him trip her up on that pretty quickly. What was more amusing is after she denied the media responsibility, she goes to say she worked in German Media. There was even a humerus moment where she accepted justification that it wasn't a racist idea to build a wall and then the look on her face was "oh shit, I fucked up, quickly make up some more bullshit." I shake my head at this Deutsche lass. Typical. But this pretty much how I'm going to see most of the ardent anti Trump supporters on this site. fair dinkum. They're all her.
I don't believe that Trump is a staunch racist. I don't think he has the mental capacity to actually think about things like race. But he is completely and utterly insensitive to...well, everyone. I personally don't find it charming or amusing anymore.
It's laughable you don't see the context and motives of such a video. He ambushes people and edits the clips to show what he wants. The viewer of this video wants 2 things. 1. their opinion reinforced 2. to see a hostile conflict with those who don't have this opinion so the viewer can feel smart. When this man is on any other network but his own channel he is more exposed and has had a tantrum a few times over it.
10 bucks says hes wearing that wrist brace because he punched a wall in anger That's all I got out of it, I didnt watch it
It's unfortunate you attach such a team loyalty to politics outside your own. I really have no interest in dealing with him. If he specifically invited me sure but I know I'm not his ideal video target. I mean everyone does what he does. For example I can find many videos of Trump voters who don't know basic geography or economics. Are they all the same or is it an edit?
He's the "smart" right wing person who owns the left wing. All he shows me is how skewed their idea of facts and debate are. Like lesson 1 is to avoid the hostility he has. This emotion is crucial right wing stuff now. They are mad damn it and you need to see.
Yea, I can see it. I hardly ever mention him on here, but it seems every time I log on here I see at least a few Trump threads on the home page, and other threads not about him seem to always mention him.
It's stupidity to think people will not call him on his nonsense. If that upsets you perhaps you are just a snowflake. Do we make you sad? Suck it up.
The huddled masses in The New Colossus refer to immigrants from Europe. Immigration official Ken Cuccinelli: Statue of Liberty poem refers to immigrants from Europe
VG I suppose nothing will change your mind. Not the rise in hate crime in America, not the numerous comments he has made. Not the fact that for some reason Nazis and people who have no issue saying only white is right love him. They did not love Bush or Regan, they accepted them since the alternative was worse. The long term hope being they open the door to man like Trump. People are in 2 category's. Trump is racist He can't be racist since people I don't like say he is one. So I must defend him or I am one of those people. I know he is and I hate racism. I'm just an empathic person I can literately feel this negative emotion in my chest. I can only handle threads like this for a short time.You can love too, choose to.