Trump In 2020, By A Landslide...

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Jimbee68, May 6, 2017.

  1. Jimbee68

    Jimbee68 Member

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    I don't often make predictions. But I think this one will come true. Trump will be reelected in 2020, by a landslide. Not only getting the electoral college, but the popular vote too.

    Some say it could never happen. But they said the same thing about George W. Bush, in 2004.

    Also, political commentator Bill Maher made an interesting observation. All we need now, is some horrible catastrophe, like 9-11, to bring the country together again, and make us all rally around Trump, whether we want to or not (again, just like W. in 2001). I predict this will happen too.

    How long will this thread be around? And how will you all react, when my predictions all come true?

  2. Meliai

    Meliai Members

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    Another 9/11 would serve to expose his gross ineptitude.

    Hopefully there are enough people who remember how 9/11 forced fake patriotism down our throats in order to serve an agenda and lead us into a war that had nothing to do with 9/11. I hope enough people remember this to prevent another catastrophe being used as a rallying call for some rich man's agenda.

    But human stupidity never ceases to amaze me, so maybe you're right.
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  3. soulcompromise

    soulcompromise Member HipForums Supporter

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    I feel... nausea. :sick2: [​IMG]
  4. SpacemanSpiff

    SpacemanSpiff Visitor

    i doubt he will be running again

    he's too old and i predict he will just want to spend his last years relaxing and gloating about his accomplishments
  5. I'minmyunderwear

    I'minmyunderwear Newbie

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    of course he'll win again. everyone gets reelected, no matter how despised they are. it would really be logical to just make the presidency a single 8 year term and cut out that 18 month window in the middle where they have to spend all their time campaigning instead of actually being the president.

    probably as long as hipforums exists. threads don't get deleted unless they're spam, anti-hipforum, or at the extreme end of the incest/pedophile/any other sex troll spectrum.

    it didn't work that way last time, for whatever reason.
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  6. Piney

    Piney Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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  7. r0llinstoned

    r0llinstoned Gute Nacht, süßer Prinz

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    Bernie Bots believe Sanders will have a chance.
  8. hotwater

    hotwater Senior Member Lifetime Supporter

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  9. Beutsecks

    Beutsecks Large Rooster

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    It's still way too early in the game for this kind of speculation. All that "First 100 Days" nonsense barely scratches the surface of a 4 year term. The only thing that makes political sense at this point are the midterm elections. A LOT of republicans are vulnerable, a good many of them are "Never Trump-ers" who are still whining which makes constituents either nervous, or ambivalent. If I was inclined to support a party fanatically, would I get behind someone who refused to accept the guy who won? Not likely.

    Here in Atlanta we are watching all kinds of rules being bent to accommodate the 6th district runoff so that rookie Ossoff can win a seat. It's actually comical since he doesn't live in and can't even vote in the district and it's already predominantly republican. I think the democrats are using him to spread cash around to buy votes for the REAL show, the midterms. Otherwise it's just a contest between a questionable republicans and an unknown but somehow famous democrat.

    9/11 helped Gary Condit more than it helped GW. But once GW committed to the mess in Iraq, the democrats tossed in the towel to let him clean it up himself. A good move actually. As an independent voter I am continually amazed at the sports-like "rivalry" that so many partisan voters adopt. It's like "he's a XXXXXXX, and I'm a XXXXXXX, so he MUST be good, right?". Time for a lot of fanatical Americans to grow the fk up and vote on issues instead of "fashion".
    TheVoice likes this.
  10. Okiefreak

    Okiefreak Senior Member

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    I agree. Impossible to predict at this stage. A lot will depend on what happens to the economy, how long it takes the Trump base to realize he's screwed them over screwed, and what the Democrats come up with as an alternative. The stock market is currently riding high, but it would be unusual for it to continue much longer without a major correction. Trump's economic plan is essentially the old Republican snake oil that Bush '41 once called "voodoo economics", aka. borrow and spend supply-side trickle down economics: give major tax cuts to corporations and the rich and the economy will expand so dramatically that the growth will pay off the increased military spending, the wall, etc., and trickle down to groups lower on the food chain. The problem is that it doesn't work and never has. Money trickles up, and the "wealth producers' tend also to be wealth exporters. The whole scheme rests on pie-in-the sky projections about unattainable economic growth levels touted by the Goldman-Sachs geniuses in the Trump Administration who made out like bandits in the 2008 economic crash. Who is most likely to be hurt by the Trump policies? The older uneducated white guys who make up his base. The question is, when will it dawn on them that the Donald has let them down? Answer:When they lose their jobs or their retirement benefits are cut under the Ryan Plan.Will that happen by 2020? Possibly. Who knows? Final question: Will the Democrats come up with an alternative that looks any better? That one is hard to answer. The three names I hear most often--Bernie, Elizabeth Warren, and Joe Biden--are laughable. There really may be no hope for this country until the millennials die of old age.
  11. Flagme15

    Flagme15 Members

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    Ivanka will take his place.

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