Trump And The Nazis Are Winning, Soon It Really "did Not Happen"

Discussion in 'History' started by unfocusedanakin, Jul 7, 2017.

  1. unfocusedanakin

    unfocusedanakin The Archaic Revival Lifetime Supporter

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    I will always remember when I heard a Holocaust survivor speak at my school. He was an old man then, a boy back then, and almost certainly dead now. He said "I am here to tell you about this because some day people will say it did not happen. I am telling you I was there and it did."

    Lately I think in large part due to the victory of Trump and the tensions created in Europe with immigrants the white supremacists is emboldened politically. And above all they push the narrative that much like "fake news" and Trump Hitler is a great man and because he's so great the world is against him. So obviously nothing about World War 2 is true but itself is a fake Jewish conspiracy. Obviously it is the liberal who is intent on lying about Trump.

    Trump knows EXACTLY what he is doing when he says fake news. Who is famous for controlling the media in the minds of certain people? What is he implying? The right people hear it as the need to just like so many other things he has said.

    The campaign is so successful that the average Republican now uses "cucked" in their lexicon. Someone says something you do not like that person is cucked by Trump. I wonder if they know that has been a Nazi slang for years. And it means one who is sympathetic to Jews and their lies one who is not in the white brotherhood and therefore stupid. Yes, they are also implying the traditional sexual meaning as well but in their culture of machismo only a weak person or a Jew would allow his women to be taken in that way.
    Republicans tend to the party that worships the military as well. What would your ancestors say about that? Perhaps they fought a Nazi in World War 2 and now you repay them by using Nazi speak.

    Then I hear of the "6 Gorbillion" dead Jews. I know where they get the 6 and I assume the gor is to imply that it's not a real number just like 6 billion is not real? It didn't happen right? Such nonsense. But these words are used so often the community must agree they are the words to use. The problem is this stuff is so mainstream now and as I look at internet comment sections people like me truly are the minority now. Or perhaps it is only those so full of hate that feel the need to seek out any historical video and insist it's not true. It's very sad because that old man who spoke to me was the last generation. Who will tell the truth after him? It becomes so much easier to believe he spoke a lie when he's gone if you wish to.

    When you look at a history book 50 years from now it's entirety possible it will say something like "Historians generally agree that the labor camps of Nazi Germany while unpleasant did not specifically kill anyone and did not imprison large numbers of people. It makes little sense to think a country at war would kill a work force off". And that is exactly what some people want you to believe. The Jew lies about this like everything that's why they are thrown out of everywhere they have ever been. Kind of like the idea that the Muslim makes trouble everywhere he goes too.
    History is written by the winners. If enough of us decide to change the past we can even if that change ignores fact.

    Sorry to lump American politics in with this. But people really need to look at what men like Trump are doing. What they are bringing out people. How they are encouraging history to be ignored and only what comes from their mouth to be trusted. For only they can save you from the people hell bent on your great countries destruction.

    Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it. Republicans have been infiltrated by the Nazis on a level I don't think they understand. Dismiss what I say if you want but I too am an American.
  2. Ajay0

    Ajay0 Guest

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    Imho, the issue ultimately lies in the fact that we still have little understanding of the human psyche and how it functions. You can see the same divisive stuff with its consequences elsewhere as well. The degree may vary, but it is still there. As Socrates indicated, it may be self-knowledge that can bring about a radical transformation of the individual, and through him or her, human society as well. Focussing on the symptoms and effects without understanding the underlying causes would be tantamount to just superficial pruning of the system leading one in circles.

    Here is an insightful saying of the philosopher Jiddu Krishnamurti in this regard...

    The third world war is arising from the second world war, the second world war arose from the first, and the first was the result of previous wars. Until you put an end to the cause, mere tinkering with the symptoms has no significance. One of the causes of war is nationalism, sovereign governments, and all the ugliness that goes with them - power, prestige, position, and authority. Most of us do not want to put an end to war because our lives are incomplete; our whole existence is a battlefield, a ceaseless conflict, not only with one's wife, one's husband, one's neighbor, but with ourselves - the constant struggle to become something. That is our life, of which war and the hydrogen bomb are merely the violent and spectacular projections, and as long as we do not understand the whole significance of our existence and bring about a radical transformation, there can be no peace in the world.
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  3. Scratched

    Scratched Members

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    So first it's the Russians, now the he'll be an Islam leader lol.
    Mustard Tiger and Orison like this.
  4. Scratched

    Scratched Members

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    Mustard Tiger likes this.
  5. SpacemanSpiff

    SpacemanSpiff Visitor

    uhmmm...they are fake news...they twist and modify actual news to make it more spectacular

    its too bad news channels are "rated"..turns it into a popularity contest and people do awful things to try and attain popular status.

    europeans are fed up with the troubles of immigrants...wouldnt make a damn of difference to them who the president was on the other side of the world
    Mustard Tiger likes this.
  6. Asmodean

    Asmodean Slo motion rider

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    False. If not on the matter of immigration, then still on matters like trade and environmental issues. But lots of europeans care about the american president/government in regards to how they deal with immigration as well (not talking primarily about myself here btw)
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  7. SpacemanSpiff

    SpacemanSpiff Visitor guy says false so i guess i have to attribute that to the entire EU
  8. BlackBillBlake

    BlackBillBlake resigned HipForums Supporter

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    Millions of Europeans are very uneasy about Trump. Not just one guy.
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  9. Asmodean

    Asmodean Slo motion rider

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    That's not what i said, or what i ment.

    In fact my post was not made with the EU in mind at all lol
  10. I'minmyunderwear

    I'minmyunderwear Newbie

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    considering the number of europeans that post in all the political threads here, i have to assume they have some level of interest.
  11. unfocusedanakin

    unfocusedanakin The Archaic Revival Lifetime Supporter

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    The media does try to make a story that will make you watch. But to use "fake" is a very dangerous term to me. It undermines what journalism is and plants the idea that it's all lies. Do you believe the media flat out lies?

    I'm a bit sad all you can do is reduce what I said to laughter. Your belief that it is so outlandish does kind of prove my point. I wish you would see the bigger picture of what is happening and not get caught up in the idea that you have "won" over me your enemy because I am not that.
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  12. unfocusedanakin

    unfocusedanakin The Archaic Revival Lifetime Supporter

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    In my experience Americans love to talk about the immigrants of Europe. Few really understand what is going on and even less have been to Europe. But they like to apply what happens there to us. Kind of a you better do as Trump says or it will be as bad as Europe belief. If Europe is actuly doing OK they can not accept it.
  13. Scratched

    Scratched Members

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    You're taking it all wrong...I'm laughing at how everyone (in this case, you) puts Trump in the same discussion as the Holocaust and such tragic travesties.

    Do you notice that's ....just a wee bit...of a reach?

    What happened in Germany with Hitler is one of the most despicable acts ever.

    How many Jews has the Donald killed? Maimed? Shamed? Taken the right to live from?

    The thing that is so terribly disgusting about all the Democratic uproar and hatred toward Donald Trump and his appointed cabinet members, is that we as a country are wasting precious time trying to vindicate a man that the

    American People elected as President. It's a waste of time that we can't get back, and does nobody anywhere any good.

    Now I know that sucks because it's a true analogy, which isn't what is wanted here. Disagreement, hatred and anger is what certain "groups" feed off. Then blame the one pointing out (me..) for pointing it out.

    It's a game of the stupidest proportions. And some folks are getting fed up with their "daily" brainwashing (Trump sucks, Trump nauseum.)

    And of course this explanation will be another one of many that sucks because a certain group here say it does.

    See a pattern? Nah, probably not.
    Mustard Tiger likes this.
  14. unfocusedanakin

    unfocusedanakin The Archaic Revival Lifetime Supporter

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    And that's my point. For it to be a joke to you shows how out of touch you are. I wish it was not the case but the man is dangerously close to Hitler. That seems to really upset Republicans how dare you say that. Your tone of condescension is clear. I will not be getting through to you.
    snowtiggernd likes this.
  15. unfocusedanakin

    unfocusedanakin The Archaic Revival Lifetime Supporter

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    I mean we are not talking Jews we are talking Muslims and everything you said applies to them. This dismissive attitude is what will lead to the history books being rewritten. I am of course not saying Trump has camps or anything.
  16. Scratched

    Scratched Members

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    So it doesn't bother you that Muslims are trying to kill us, and we should just let them come and do their destructive thing anyway?

    I could see you hating Trump if he were killing them (like Hitler did the Jews), but he's trying to protect the citizens of our country. How the hell is that as bad as exterminating 6 or 7 million Jews?

    There's no competent comparison there, you're just grabbing for straws. Quit wasting out time.
  17. MeAgain

    MeAgain Dazed & Confused Lifetime Supporter Super Moderator

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    The "Democratic uproar" is backed up by facts, not fake news or propaganda.
    The majority of Americans did not elect Donald Trump.

    Pointing out the lies and bad policies of Trump and his team is not hatred and anger, it's holding an administration and president to the job they are sworn to do.

    When you say "Muslims are trying to kill us" you are lumping 1.5 billion people together with a small minority of them who indeed do want to kill us.
    So you are demonizing an entire religion for the deeds of a few.
    Instead of concentrating on the true enemy and enlisting the aid of their fellow Muslims who are peace loving, you end up alienating them and potentially turning them into our enemies.

    Trump is guilty, to a degree, of the same faulty thinking. And as you point out, "he is just trying to protect the citizens of our country" from a generalized version of the enemy...same, to a limited degree so far, as Hitler was "just trying to protect the citizens of his country" from the enemy he perceived.

    The comparison may be valid to certain point.
  18. Asmodean

    Asmodean Slo motion rider

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    Well said, Meagain.
  19. BlackBillBlake

    BlackBillBlake resigned HipForums Supporter

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    One thing is sure - Trump isn't doing any good for America's already tarnished image in the rest of the democratic world.

    See, it would be easy for us Europeans to do as Trump does when he lumps all Muslims together as 'enemies'. We could easily lump all Americans together as - well, Trump like. His attitudes to climate change for instance threaten everyone on the planet . At the G 20 it came down to 19 against one. Any kind of 'leadership' the USA might have displayed in past times now looks, thanks to this idiot, like a bit of a sick joke. Ditto any notions that America is the 'most advanced' country, as I, and millions of others were bought up, if not indoctrinated, to believe.

    He's a nothing but a liability for your country and it's reputation.

    I'm aware that the majority didn't vote for him, and I feel sympathy/solidarity for progressively mined Americans stuck with this embarrassing moron at the helm. From a Euro perspective it would be all too easy to say, as someone did to me the other day, 'they wiped out the Indians for this??'

    We Brits have idiots running our country too - but this is the end game of a defunct empire.Our current leaders just want to ensure they carve up the last few slices of the pie in a way that favours them and their corporate chums. America is supposed to represent the future. That's what we were told as kids anyway. And with Trump in charge, only kids could really believe it.
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  20. unfocusedanakin

    unfocusedanakin The Archaic Revival Lifetime Supporter

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    No because that is not true. ISIS does not exist. There is no mass movement to destroy the west. Are there Muslims who hate the west way of life? Absolutely but they are not nearly as organized as you think. Most of the attacks you hear of in the news are over blown or false flags. The Muslims that come are peaceful.

    ISIS is "fake news" if you will.

    I would rather not sacrifice what America is out of fear.

    It's such a simplification to say Trump protects. It's an easy manipulation he's kind of an asshole but it's OK the asshole protects you. Hitler also said he would protect the German people from the foreign invader. Do you really want say this? I admit the this guy is Hitler argument is used very often. But the more you want to debate this the more I can cite Hitler. He was kind of a blueprint for people as far as public speaking and what to highlight. Certain people have always looked to him for this. I am not just saying people who are racist.

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