I have to laugh when I read all these idiotic comments on Facebook about how Trump is going to reverse gay marriage and discriminate against gay and LGBT people. It's like when Trump takes office, gays and transgendered people are suddenly going to start being attacked and persecuted. Are people really dumb enough to believe that crap? Even the idea of Roe vs. Wade being overturned is fucking ludicrous. It's simply not going to happen.
It is pretty obvious but I guess someone who dosnt know how the law works and has no experience with political BS...maybe they can be worried. Just one thing though. When did trump say he was against gay weddings or something?
Yeah, I dont get that vibe from Trump, I doubt gay rights would have been much of a consideration when choosing a running mate Pence on the other hand, exactly the type of guy to try lock gay people up if he could, act disgusted about it, then go home fap to tranny porn
Hilary used to be against gay marriage. Then she changed her mind when everyone on facebook started waving rainbow flags.
I know, right? All this extreme paranoia about Trump killing gays and trannies, abolishing women's rights, and legalizing slavery all within his first year. It's as if they think he must be a muslim.
About Same Sex Marriage: For individuals who are not currently married but who may wish to marry in the future, it is also highly unlikely that the fundamental right of same-sex couples to marry will be challenged or that the Supreme Court would revisit its 2015 holding that same-sex couples have that fundamental right. The doctrine of stare decisis—which means that courts generally will respect and follow their own prior rulings—is strong, and the Supreme Court rarely overturns an important constitutional ruling so soon after issuing it. In addition, even the appointment of an anti-marriage equality justice to replace Justice Scalia on the Supreme Court would not jeopardize the Supreme Court’s 2015 ruling on marriage equality, and the great majority of Americans still strongly support the freedom of same-sex couples to marry. http://www.nclrights.org/now-that-trump-has-been-elected-can-our-marriage-be-undone/
as an open transgendered squirrel, I'm offended by the handful of faggots that make this shit up to become mainstream news..
I would laugh at the people who thought that Trump would do this, but I would laugh even harder if Trump himself thought he could do this. Even if he did manage to somehow overturn it, eventually he would have is ass handed to him and it would shortly be overturned again.
there have been real incidents. more then two or three. more like two or three hundred. (since the election winner was announced, and that was only as of friday) i have to admit i have no way of knowing if this represents an actual significant increase, or if its simply the level that already existed. of course trump himself, he can always plead no involvement directly, but then there doesn't need to be. of course he can't just unilaterally change laws, and the process of doing so takes time. so i don't know who is saying all is lost, i'm not on facebook or twitter. i've watched the twit feed in the sidebar on tyt, and people are all over the place, not just any one way, and that much is good, on the other paw, the blatant shamelessness of extremists, do these people actually think they're being smart of funny?
Could be .... or maybe not. Don't forget that the VP is there to bring in votes from voters the candidate can't appeal to. Nothing. Else.
I'd say that Cheney pretty radically redefined the role/ammount of power a VP has. At this point its open to interpretation, but its not unreasonable to assume that a president with no experience of governance would delegate more than is average to a VP. Also, I was under the impression that the controversy over his stance on abortion was not that he planned to overturn legislation and ban it, but that his administration would defund planned parenthood, thereby denying people access to it? People underestimate the cultural impact that a percieved victory for the far right has. It's true that not everyone who voted for Trump was racist or homophobic, but it's also true that America's racists and homophobes now think that over half the country agree with them. That sort of thing galvanises them, you're gonna get a spike in hate crimes now, that's unavoidable. LGBT and ethnic minorities aren't being dumb to be nervous.
I saw photo of trump holding a rainbow flag. These days I think a politician is kinda stupid not to go pro gay because it's one of the only things people actually care about. Whether gay people can marry who they want. I think it's absolutely disgraceful that that on its own is what is driving political campaigns but it is what it is. He'll probably legalize in all states just for the publicity and everyone will be happy.
That was only becuase Bush was a complete moron. Don't get me wrong, it's not becuase he was a Republican, thank God Al Gore never got to be President. But Bush couldn't even string two proper sentences together