Trippy convo about God

Discussion in 'Random Thoughts' started by 121, Apr 4, 2007.

  1. BraveSirRubin

    BraveSirRubin Members

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    It's actually "Havva" in Hebrew... so everyone is wrong.


    "Jesus" never did sound right to me.

    Hmm.... maybe because it's actually "Yeshu".
  2. Krsna Bhakti

    Krsna Bhakti d-_-b JAMMING

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    What about the other people who were around WITH Adam & Eve? I am not a Christian (obviously :tongue: ) but I remember hearing once that even other people are mentioned in the bible, but not at all clearly explained? Hmmm.... Creepy! Maybe they were aliens? haha
  3. BraveSirRubin

    BraveSirRubin Members

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    Nah, not aliens... they were goyim.

    But other people are clearly mentioned Cain marries one of them right at the very beginning of the old testament after killing his brother.
  4. themnax

    themnax Senior Member

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    well first of all, my feeling is that you can be talking about christianity OR you can be talking about god. if you're talking about the one, you're NOT talking about the other. period.

    the other thing, well there are weaknessess in christerism, things it does very much wrong, like incouraging people not to use their god given brains, but there's nothing unique TO christerism about any this.

    and if anyone tells you christianity isn't a religeon, tell yes of course, it's not a religeon, it's a personality cult, which is what, what most people thing of as christianity, has devolved into, but one which may, just may, have STARTED OUT as a genuine expression of religeous thought.

    you can even trace the history of how it got screwed up and the origeonal sorces and motivations for its doing so.

    i just feel that you can't blame whatever real gods there may or may not be for christianity or any other organized belief, because for the most part, human people have made all that up themselves.

  5. indian~summer

    indian~summer yo ho & a bottle of yum

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    i think some people are mistaking catholisim for christianity..are they not...hmmmm....

    personaly i've been studying religion for years, i find myself to be a spriitual person and therefore i can not label myself an atheist, but i am in no way a "christian" even though my mother would believe other wise :rolleyes:

    i agree with what ramona said, religion is simply a security blanket of sorts, and people often turn to it in fear, religion is just another way to control the masses through manipulation and fear, i really am against "organized religion" although i understand the need for this day though, christianity in america is something that astounds me...i just can't believe how twisted it has thru church? seriously? come on

    whether or not you believe in a god or something greater or we all evolved from "monkeys" <note the skeptisim in my voice really doesn't matter, it truely is your own choice to make, and choose it for yourself

    i am more a believer of the mind, the mind is an incrediably powerful thing, you make your world what you want it to be (now i'm not saying that everything is a dream in your head, but your mind can manipulate situations, past and present events, and most likely will continue on after death..and if it doesn't i really don't have any problems with that) your mind can make your life a heaven or a hell

    what i think must happen, and won't, but i believe that people need to stop judging others and just let them do what they feel is right, basicly all religions have the same fundimentals, and even without religion as humans we all have the same basics
    just fucking chill out when it comes to other people's opinions, there is no need to preach, you can try and teach but only you as a person can learn anything, and you have to realise if you spend your time trying to teach others only them as individuals can take anything from it

    blah blah blah i'm gopnna get a grilled cheese sandwich
  6. BraveSirRubin

    BraveSirRubin Members

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    Can you get me one too?
  7. whichaxe

    whichaxe Member

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    You silly people.

    Adam and Eve were really just White Christian English-speaking Americans pining for the year 2007 so they could be comfortable with both their race and their beliefs. They were also against homosexuality, promiscuity, and were in fact both members of the Republican party.
  8. Krsna Bhakti

    Krsna Bhakti d-_-b JAMMING

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    Exactly what Im getting at. But, I am knowledgable of the New Testament to a certain extent, although not enough so to really be part of an argument, so I am going to step away :)
    Sorry, I meant I am knowldgable of the New Testament to a certain extent, the Old Testament, not at all, since this idea belongs to the beginning of the book :tongue:
  9. indian~summer

    indian~summer yo ho & a bottle of yum

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    you can have half of mine... i had to make one for my ma and pa so now theres no cheese left
    we can share this one and a juice box though :)
  10. BraveSirRubin

    BraveSirRubin Members

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    And after that...

    Oral sex.

  11. indian~summer

    indian~summer yo ho & a bottle of yum

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    if we're brother and sister from adam and eve, should we be giving/recieveing oral sex...or is that like a sin or something :rolleyes:
  12. Krsna Bhakti

    Krsna Bhakti d-_-b JAMMING

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    I have sex with my twin sister, whats so wrong about that?! :tongue: Shes the super sexy :)
  13. LetLovinTakeHold

    LetLovinTakeHold Cuz it will if you let it

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    I believe that there were many people that God created at the beginning. Adam and Eve were just the "main charactors" of the story.
  14. Posthumous

    Posthumous Resident Smartass

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    How convenient. Do you have interesting theories on any other fairytales like Goldilocks and the Three Bears?
  15. BraveSirRubin

    BraveSirRubin Members

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    It's a sin not to.
  16. 121

    121 Senior Member

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    God knocked Mary up without her knowing it.. thats rape :eek:
  17. mynameiskc

    mynameiskc way to go noogs!

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    well, when you consider the fact that these true believers TRULY believe that you will burn in agony and such, you have to understand how afraid they are FOR YOU. really, truly, utterly terrified that the people they love and the people they meet are going to suffer eternally. that's a heavy load. some get scared, some get angry, just like with everything else. THAT'S why they preach. when you think about it, it's sweet in it's way. certainly deserving of a little forbearance, i think, even though it's annoying. it's like your mother nagging you to keep your room clean, eat your veggies and always go out in clean underwear. you don't need to be told, but it's just a symptom of her care for you that she still does it when you're grown and in your own home.
  18. 121

    121 Senior Member

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    Are you into the whole jesus thing then?
  19. whichaxe

    whichaxe Member

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    That's the funniest thing I've heard all week :)
  20. indian~summer

    indian~summer yo ho & a bottle of yum

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    well okay :D

    kc, yeah i'd agree that some people are looking out for you..others not so much...i don't really know your stance on this situation so i don't want to like offend you or anything...

    hahahaha :D

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