Namaste, Lucy finally found me and I had the chance to indulge in her blissfull eye-opening experiance. I have tripped on shrooms and other psychadelics but what i experianced was nothing like I thought it would be. Not excessive on visuals (I never seem to get much visuals) but it just blew my mind with the concepts that you come up with and go through. Amazing. I wish i could have gotten a bit more out of it but I know i need to meditate on the experience and grow. Here's a breif trip report. 9:52PM: First tab placed under tongue. No taste at all only slight taste of the paper. I find this comforting. 9:54PM: Ingested another 1/4th tab placed under tongue. 10:04PM: Doses swallowed !0:07PM: 3/4th tab ingested placed under tongue. !0:42PM: Tab swallowed. Feel slightly anxious. Energy is building inside of me. 10:43PM: Visuals may be kicking in slight breathing i think. 10:45PM: Checked pupils in mirror. Find it very amusing how big my pupils are. 11:46PM: I am definatly tripping. So from this point on I cant bother myself with writing and reporting while tripping so i will do my best to fill in the gaps and explain my trip. At this time I start painting and I notice how colorful lines seem to blur into each other unlike anything i've ever seen. It's also like i can see the fine lines just slightly moving everywhere. It seems most things look cartoony to me. I try painting and drawing but cant draw anything that makes sense so i move on to other things. Soon i start playing music and lay on my bed in the dark. I've heard all these songs before but not with psychadelic ears. Playing the grateful dead and pink floyd sounds completly surreal. It's as if the artists can produce amazing sounds that only lsd can produce. Like normally people wouldnt hear the notes melting as i was. Well thats how i percieved it anyways. It was glorious. Hearing the music made me feel like i was comming to understand how fractals work connecting to each other and such. It seemed that to me there were two sides to everything reality and another reality almost identical connected by fractals. I get lost in the music and feel many emotions but don't find myself coming close to ego loss. I was worried that 2 blotters would send me there but I didnt feel like i was tripping that hard. This is something i want to work toward ego-loss. It's like i was on my way to Terrapin Station but I want to reach the beautiful end my friends. Next time perhaps. Now my stomach starts to get a little upset its very strange but it's like parts of my stomach or abdomine felt like they were moving in me. This endedup causing me a little bit of panic at the end of the trip and ended up with diarrhea. Which I find very strange. But as I now understand these are sometimes symptoms that ego-loss is close? Can anyone relate to this? After a 10-15 minutes in the bathroom as I finish I find myself stuck looking at the mirror. Something i've never done before. It was extremely mind-opening. As i stared into this face in the mirror I accepted myself and found comfort. This is crazy for me because I have all my life been very self conscious. But it was like for the first time ever I accepted how I looked and felt a nd enjoyed it. I felt like a sexy mother fucker. You know? I was really a great experiance for me to finally accept myself. While looking at myself I didn;t notice many visuals but it was a great experiance none the less. After this i retreated back to the place i have been tripping in, my bedroom. I start to play a game for a few minutes just for something to do. At this time I also smoke a good sized bowl of hash. I find the hash and lsd complement each other very well and it increases my visuals. I play skate 3 which seems to produce trails on the screen when i play. But other than this i dont see any tracers on anything else. Hopefully next time. I only play for a few minutes. Soon I get bored and decide to check the time. Its now 3AM. 5 Hours after dosing... Where did all the time go? What have i been doing for 5 hours? Oh well. I then get an urge to make my way outdoors. It's almost like something was drawing me outside. I put my coat on grab a great big fat spliff I had prepared and head outside. Am i ever glad I did. When i get outside I notice the moon is bigger and brighter than id ever seen and outside is bright almost like day. Im use to it being pitch black outside so this really trips me out. It felt like I was on the moon thats what it looked like around me. Gray and bright. When I find a place to sit on the grass I look up to the moon. What i seen next was unexplainable. It was like the moon was bright with an aura and some of the stars in the sky were all different colors. It was like the moon was playing a star light show underneath the moon. I smoke my spliff and gaze into the sky. Watching the moon play her sky show. Looking around on the yard I feel like im an astronaut and everything around me feels and looks slightly alien. Not creepily just foreign. Really trippy. I felt kind of like the only one on the earth feeling the universe or something. Soon after I get very cold. It's very cold where I live in the winter and I didn't overdress so i wasn;t prepared to stay out. I got back inside and retreat to my room. It's now almost five o'clock. I start to feel slightly tired so i decide to just attempt to see if i can sleep. I wasn;t thinking i would be able to sleep at all and was planning to stay up to watch the sunset. It felt like my trip was comming to an end which I found odd since it was only 7hours in. But i didn't fight it since the idea of sleep was comforting to me. at the time After getting back indoors till the time i fell asleep my stomach feels strange and moves as i mentioned before. I think this may have something to do with smoking weed. Possibly thats why my trip felt cut short as well? I find it slightly difficult to fall asleep with an upset stomach but I soon after drift off. I wake up around 10:00AM the next morning. My head hurts just slightly and i feel a little odd still as well as stomach still upset. But other than that everything is good. Anyone felt similiar to this? I found it really strange how my stomach or body felt during the trip. Not like a body load just like things were moving around making my system a little upset. Anyways overall it was a glorious experiance and one i hope to grow upon. Im just looking for your guys comments/opinions on whatever to guide me better. I have 4 more tabs left and currently no more supply. How much would you reccommend I take next time to take the trip further? Did you guys find your first acid trip not all that intense? Thats kind of how i felt like it was gunna be crazier from 2 tabs. So im not sure if next time i should dose more. This experience really opened up my mind to myself and helped me through some things. It was defiantly a very memorable and positive experience. I;ve never understood religion or spirituality like Christianity and catholic and such but after taking lsd I now want to seek spiritualism in the form of buddism and such. Yoga, meditation, enlightenment. I dont know anything about these things but i feel like its something i should try to learn and practice to help me progress. Can anyone recommend some places to start? How can I understand the conscious mind? Anyways thank you beautiful people for taking the time to read this. I know it was long and unorganized but also very hard to explain in words. It would mean alot to me if you could add something about my experience to help me understand it. Thank you all and peace be with you.
It sounds like a nice first timer, melow, not hectic, but just enough to realise that there is more to life than what we can expirience with 5 sences. What put you to sleep is not strong enough dose of acid and a bit more weed for that dose of acid. The uncomfort that you felt in your body was not channeling energy fully, it got "arested" in that part of the body, and made you feel like upset stomak. Usually when starting tripping I feel energy building exactly where you explained in stomak, and if you do not send it out it can be a bit unconfortable. The good way to start channeling energy is to meditate, to send your love to anything and everything, to visualise that love how it's coming from your stomak up through your body and leaves out of you as a light shining the planet, universe and all things existing. Once you get it going you will realise how easy it is actualy to channel the love and the more you send it, the more you have it, but you feel the flow which regenerates your body, soul and mind. That leck of channeling could also make you tired and send you to sleep. Regarding some suggestions, I would suggest you not to seek for the things you want to expirience, not before the trip, not during. Just let it take you wherever it takes you and what ever comes to you accept it fully with open mind and heart. As you already expirienced how music sounds different, you probably realise that it can be very important tool and influence to the course of the trip. I find psychedelic trance to be great on acid and it takes me further than any other type of music, but thats me, you can play whatever you like. If you never heard Shpongle, I would suggest you download first 3 albums and listen to them while peaking. I would recomend you to take all 4 tabs that you have next time all at once, as they are obviously not that potent since you didn't have any strong visuals on 2, and you are talking ego loss. If you are about ego loss, the dose has to be strong, your hart has to be opened and you need to accept everything comming your way. Try to become better person today than you were yesterday, try to find better ways to love, and if it gets rough come back to love and send it out and it will again become a smooth ride. Its all about what you send out, not what you ask for. What goes arround, comes back arround, but in this case, it comes back in heaps, way more than you would ever get if you just asked for it. Anyway, thats from my expirience. Peace and love to everybody!!
Nice report man, glad you enjoyed This is similar to something I've been pondering/realising/who knows.. not so much that there are only 2 sides, but that matter is the geometric expression of the universe in this 3 dimensional plane of reality."] Go wild with that theory, it makes my mind horny, and this place just all the more beautiful Regarding the shits, I think you may have just had the shits. It's not as romantic as energy blockages, but hey. Did you eat anything funky before the trip? And umm.. go buy "The Book on the Taboo of Knowing Who You Are" by Alan Watts. You can pick it up pretty cheap on eBay. And since you paint or draw, stick some of his lectures on youtube on instead of music, and just go with it. Ram Dass too. They're incredibly soothing individuals Edit: Wrong video, but it's worth a watch anyway."] 6:15ish...