Anxiously driving, slightly over the speed limit, just finished a boring day at work. Finally, days off at last! I was on the way to meet one of my friendly drug dealer pals. When I arrived, he asked, if I would be interested in something called Lysergic Acid (LSD). I asked if hes tried it before. "No," he explained, "But, two of my good friends, said they had an amazing time with it." Thinking it over for a minute. I had been recently studying about it, so I said, "What the heck, why not?" Traded him, a whole 10 dollars for one tab. Little did I know, at that point, that night, my life would be changed forever... Driving home, even faster now, I impatiently waited for the sun to set. Soon after darkness fell; I set the proper mood within my garage. Black lights, a lazy boy, Jimi Hendrix and other old school tunes, would listen to #334 The Joe Rogan Experience, with theoretical physicist - DR. Emit Goswami, and of course, set up a spot right beside me for my cat. As darkness overpowered the light, I cut the tiny LSD tab in half, and started there. Put the acid under my tongue, and let it soak in for a while. Knowing very well that, tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) [the psychoactive ingredient within cannabis] was just a mild form of LSD, so I kind of knew what to expect. Approximately half an hour into it, it was like this filter vanished from my brain. I now, was seeing very vivid brighter colors, than I've ever seen before. Everything around me, wasn't really moving per say, more shifting in wave length motions. I didn't feel like I was going to die, nor did I want to jump out a window. I didn't feel like I was going mentally ill. I didn't feel like my brain was melting. Just felt a sense of love. Shortly after, another 30 minutes would go by; I then popped the other half a tab. Well that soaked in, I seen this smaller house fly. Wings weren't big enough to cause a buzz. Or at least one loud enough to be understood by the human audio perception. It had a vibration though, one that I not only could hear, but see as well. As it flew towards the black lights, it was making figure eights, between both lights, which were screwed into the garage roof. I watched it fly from near the roof, directly around my head, landing on top of my right hand. I noticed, its left wing had a small tear down the center. I watched its eyes, they looked like the bubble multiple universe theory. All these tiny bubbles stuck together, reflecting the reflection of the black light colors, that bounced of the poster covered walls. Its tiny little stick man figure like legs, rubbed themselves together, then rubbed its eyes. Every time it eyes were rubbed, I seen a small, almost static electricity like, energy being transferred. Its eyes were also changing colors, each eye-rub; I could see its vibration, I could see an "mmmm" vibration coming from it, towards me. You know when you are "OM-ing" during meditation? It was the em from that. When Om-ing properly, your top chakras are vibrating an energy. The sound "OM" is the universal sound of the world, every human language ever spoke, uses the sounds "OM or AUM." It was like we were communicating. I got good vibes from my new little friend. His body colors were like a bright teal color. A splash of jealousy took over, only for a minute, because he could fly. It was that moment, I truly understood how and why, we're all connected. It didn't matter if you were an insect, cat, human, or any other species of life, I truly understood were all connected. As the night went on, a few more hours now went by. I felt compelled to grab paper and a pen, and just started to write. Anything and everything that came to mind. Pages upon pages of notes were written, during this amazingly beautiful state of well-being. Anything from life lessons, to poetry, to a touch of non-sense. This whole trip, showed me love for anything and everything. As the sun, was just starting to peek through from the east. I stood on my deck, looked up, the moon and stars were still visible. Each star, on one side was twinkling; but it was twinkling rainbow like colors, very bold, bright shades of colors. After gazing upon this fascinating scenery, I went into my room, sprawled myself out on the bed, went onto the addictive FaceBook, and here is what I wrote (word for word, didn't change the grammar or anything, so just ignore any mistakes), August 17, 2013 Facebook post, This is not a suicide note I promise. But if u take the time to read you will understand what I mean. Negativity will always get attention if you let it. I've been up the last two days and I've been thinking most deeply about a dream I had at the start of the summer. It was a dream I've never experienced and never will have to again. It's because I figured out my dream from that night. What happened in this dream was everything was gone I couldn't even find any family. It was truly my worst nightmare I imagined and its been the last nightmare I have imagined....Then everything disappeared and my grandma who had passed away in May said everything Is ok now with a huge smile on her face and then I woke up. In that dream I felt a huge relieve a type I never experienced in a dream state before. So I took that as a meaning and I made a goal for myself and that was figuring out that particular meaning within that dream and I said ill figure it out by her next birthday. So I did.......... Here's what I found I didn't ask myself this question FIRST!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And it goes back as far as the first question ever asked. Why? Why was she so happy here on earth and why was she so happy in my dream? And are you ready for this its a lot to grasp and it isn't. I FIGURED OUT THE MEANING OFF LIFE!!! That's rights I did! Here it is what a lot of people spend doing......... LIFE = HAPPINESS HAPPINESS = LIFE Anyway you look at it. It writes itself. That wasn't a god or a person in a religious way what so ever that told me that. My government didn't tell me this school never taught me this. My Doctor never prescribed me this. That was my own way of thinking. There's a guy who made himself loose everything so in a sense he could show the world he could have everything and be happy or have nothing and be happy. That guy was Steve jobs he didn't truly take credit for the first personal computer until the iPad came out. Stop! breathe inhale hold it in 3...2....1 release.....Because that right there was his life. We are at a place in time where this thing we hold will make or break us. We've never been as advanced as this and shouldn't need anymore. We can learn about anything or anybody or anywhere we've ever been by looking at it right their in front of us this whole time! This thing can show us anything we want or maybe who we think we want to be somewhere we want to go. So the point he got across with the iPad or iPhone isn't rubbing it in your face with his success its showing u what's out there! So put these things down and experience it. Or you can either "dream life" which is looking at life through the way someone else's way of thinking. That's the simplest way he could get the message out there the fastest to the largest group of people before he left. People throughout time have known this. They've been dropping hints so we don't screw up! We need to die to keep natural order of things. Not to become robots or think the same as everyone else. He stole the line "a good artist copy's and a great artist steals." From Pablo Picasso just a few simple words of a person who figured out life. Albert Einstein devoted his life to E=mc2. Which is the simplest way for him to show you the math works everytime no matter if we open new sciences up or not. Energy= mass times at which the speed of light is creating it! That right there is Einstein. Showing all off us how he created his life. He did that so no one else had to so we could move on. There shouldn't be any fear of death. Because if something dies an idea or plan for instance we can re create it! If people make you feel bad or if they treat u bad. It's cause they haven't figured it out yet and there trying to bring u down to a level of their thoughts. So if Jordan is reading this your right about the fact when u said kids are the smartest people. They usually are the happiest. So basically that's what I learned in 26 years. There's a link between everything whether u see it or not. I'm going to rehab for 19 days soon too help change a few things I thought I wanted in life with the help of a group of people who also think or have thought the same. So I think we can all agree we don't need to start over. We can start right now. If this helped u see life a little different or took something positive from it then don't be afraid to "share" or "like" it notice on here how we can't dislike something now? The biggest thing we are scared off is the unknown which people associate death with. After we get passed that what are we left with? Not saying this powerful entheogen, is for everyone. But if one chooses to do so, its all about your state of mind, and setting. It was from that experience, I knew my purpose here on earth, now. That purpose of mine was to write. From that day forward I would start to do so. Lysergic Acid, showed me life in its most simplest forms. It put life back into me, gave me a purpose to live. Without that, who knows what would've happened, I might not have been here, now, to write this. For more stories please visit my personal blog
glad you had a good, and what seems to be life-changing experience on LSD. just to be clear though, THC is not a mild form (or ANY "form") of LSD. the effects of the two completely different drugs really aren't even that similar.