Triggers and Stabilizers

Discussion in 'Random Thoughts' started by usedtobehoney, Feb 27, 2014.

  1. usedtobehoney

    usedtobehoney Senior Member

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    Do you have specific things that take you out of balance or things that keep you balanced or can bring you out of a negative space?

    Personally I've been in a bad depressed state since that storm and I couldn't really figure out how to get myself back and then it just happened. I'm still not exactly sure what did it for me, I was watching something on TV, then I watched something else...I was listening to music, I was reading something on the internet, but somehow this stability I was chasing for a few days finally came through.

    I realize a few things happened that got me into this bad phase:

    1. I was sick and sick longer than I've been sick in forever, perhaps because of the power being out.

    2. I stopped listening to music, because no power.

    3. I got behind on my work, because no internet, because no power

    4. I lost touch with conversations on phone and email, because no power

    5. I couldn't eat the way I wanted, because we were stuck indoors for a few days and all my food was spoiling in the refrigerator

    When I got power back and came back home, I was just completely out of my routine. I also hadn't danced or practiced yoga in several days, although I continued to meditate. I don't remember exercising, I did only a tiny bit of writing. I felt really overwhelmed with my email, all that.

    My sleep pattern was off as well.

    I realized I needed to start listening to music again. It took several days for me to get to a balanced place after listening to music. I also started to tackle my email and simple work projects. Finally I started exercising again, squats one night, dancing the next day.

    I remember a few days ago trying to think of what I could do to get me out of the abyss. I watched a few movies I'd never watch...watched a lot of TV shows I'd never watched, watched a documentary about a TV celebrity I don't even like...but somehow these new perspectives did something for me.

  2. pensfan13

    pensfan13 Senior Member

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    The most common one is the internet going out.
    easy fix though i have so many books i havnt read yet. Plus lots of organizing to do.
    but here i am on the internet not doing either of those things....wrll i am at work so there is that.
  3. deleted

    deleted Visitor

    fucking winter I hate it. feel like Im locked in clothing for the last 4months.. cant get anything done other than get stoned, simple routines taking out trash and doing laundry are fucked. shopping, money problems, bills, doctor appt... spring couldnt come soon enough..
  4. Spectacles

    Spectacles My life is a tapestry Lifetime Supporter

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    Having the power go off in the winter really sucks. The fact that you had to leave home for a while would set anyone off kilter. It takes time to get back in sync.
  5. Asmodean

    Asmodean Slo motion rider

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    Don't know where to start :p I think most people get affected when they are forced out of their routine. I don't get depressed easily but it will influence my mood naturally!
  6. AmericanTerrorist

    AmericanTerrorist Bliss

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    I don't do well if I don't get enough sleep for a few days in a row. Or if I stop taking my supplements and eating raw veggies.
    Also I don't do well if I don't have (quiet) time alone on a regular basis.
    Or if I don't have sex in more than 2 weeks. Or if I don't do something for myself every couple weeks (could be the simplest thing...going to the book store and picking out a book)...
    I ALSO don't do well if I go over a year without getting to the beach. Preferably every 6 months but with one kid here and another on the way, can't afford to go as often as I used to.

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