Hey all, I've recently noticed that, well I noticed a while ago but it's only clicking now, literally, that mostly in the morning my two index fingers a long with my middle finger (but not as much) have a distinct locking feeling along the middle knuckle. It is not painful but its definitely there. I cannot get extension or retratction without literally feeling that it is locking and unlocking. I read a little into it and it is called "trigger finger" and most likely a build up of inflammation in the knuckles. I crack my knuckles like a champion most days and so I suggest this isn't helping the cause. I'd also thought possibly holding onto horse reins tightly for so many years but I really have not been doing that at all this winter season. So does anyone else suffer from this or know anyone that does and what they do to help treatment or at least reduce inflammation in the fingers would be interesting to hear. Tah.
ibuprofen plus i strongly suggest you stop cracking them on purpose i used to do that...and i wish i never did
Trigger finger is when the sheath surrounding the tendon leading to that finger gets inflamed and swollen. This causes the tendon to bind in the sheath causing a popping action. In severe cases the tendon will jam leading to a finger locked in the open or closed position. Then you have to rest it, massage it, or otherwise reduce the inflammation to get it to unlock. According to my wife it hurts. In her case it got so bad that she had to have surgery. As an out patient, they will slit the sheath to give the tendon more room. Then after a few weeks you're good to go. She's had two or three fingers done.
Irmi, I have one finger that does it off and on. When it happens, I tape a padded splint on the underside of it so that the knuckle doesn't bend. I only wear it like that at night. It seems to clear mine up after a few nights.
Yes, I was also told about a splint from an older guy at the kennel club. He said if I were to undergo physio they would splint it. I've been a knuckle cracker ever since my cousin showed me that he could do it. That was like.. one of my earlier memories lol. At the time it was supposed to cause arthritis but gradually I think that was all debunked and cracking knuckles was just letting the air out of the pockets, a rather healthy act. But I don't just crack my knuckles. I bend them, contort them into a variety of positions and it's not as if it's just my knuckles that crack.. man I can find places all along my fingers that pop. But I will stop this from now on. And I did read it can become quite painful but so far I am not experiencing any pain.
I have this too...I also cracked the heck out of my knuckles when I was your age...so yeah...that's probably about the worse thing to do if you are already having trigger finger. I have it with my right hand more than my left, but I've experienced it on both hands. I have it at odd times, and that is one reason I wear gloves at night, so my fingers don't get all bent up and such. GAWD that sounds awful. Its when I grab something tight that it happens the most often, of course. Anyway, that can also be a sign of arthritis to come. I sure do wish I had better news. Trigger fingers (that pull the trigger on a gun) are important.
Hmm. Don't know what to believe anymore. I don't think my problem has to do with cracking anymore as when I bend my fingers I definitely just feel swelling in the locking area. I obviously use my hands a lot so I'm not going to splint them any time soon. Maybe I need to just have freezing cold hand washes before my bed time?