trespassing on a bastard's land

Discussion in 'Hippies' started by Moon Water, Aug 31, 2005.

  1. Moon Water

    Moon Water Rena

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    yeterday i was out for a walk with my sister and our two naughty little dogs. We walk down this gravel road so we dont run into people who want to stop and pet them. Our dogs dont like it went people get to close.
    Well anyway we ran into an old couple who were out for a walk as well so we cut off the road and into this large grassy area off to the side. Well we got back onto the road and this old farmer dude come riding up in his pickup and starts asking us if we out walking in the grass and what our full names were. Well we said sorry and all that and he still was a shit about it.
    I forget there are so many people out there like that. Sad, nothing better to do other than harassing young girls.
  2. Floyd Soul

    Floyd Soul The Walkin' Dude

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    He's just a jerk.
  3. peaceful chaos

    peaceful chaos Member

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    that sorta stuff just pisses me off,i mean it's gods land anyways the damn government just claims to own it then sells it off to people which they have right to do in the first place.
  4. spooner

    spooner is done.

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    maybe you don't know the full story. maybe he has a couple weed plants and doesn't want strangers around. maybe he's not a people person. I mean shit, if you found someone in your backyard, you'd probably be pissed too. If you wouldn't be, you'd probably have nicer dogs.
  5. Bassist

    Bassist Gate crasher!

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    well, pickup truck + south dakota = 83% probabilitie of him being a hick.
  6. drumminmama

    drumminmama Super Moderator Super Moderator

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    was the grass actually growing hay? did you stomp through his crop?
  7. Ranger

    Ranger Hip Forums Supporter HipForums Supporter

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    was the area fenced off or posted 'No Tresspassing'? If not my version of the conversation might have gone something like, "Sir, this land is niether fenced nor posted nor is there anythng else to indicate it's not open range. before we give you our names may we please see your badge and identification Sir? Sis do you have your cell phone handy? Maybe we should call the police, they'll most likely be very interested in an old man trying to harrass two young girls into giving him very personal information." and as you 'sis' digs in her bag turn your backs and walk away....*weg*
  8. Moon Water

    Moon Water Rena

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    nah it was just some grass on the side of the road, no fences or signs to be seen.
  9. Moon Water

    Moon Water Rena

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    no signs or fences .
    That would have been best. I also thought i would have been fun to pull the i dont speak english joke on him.We are learning spanish.
  10. NaykidApe

    NaykidApe Bomb the Ban

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    Maybe he was afraid you'd stumble across the dead hitch-hikers before he had a chance to clean and dress them.
  11. 3 weelin geezer

    3 weelin geezer Member

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    Give false names. If its the side of the road, he has no claim to it. It is state property. Kinda like this guy on the next block that put a fence all the way into the middle of the sidewalk. Its gone now. Right back onto his property line. Besides, if he calls the cops what can he say if you were giving the right of way to other people so your dogs wouldn't bite them and sue you?
  12. Mr. Slyman

    Mr. Slyman Member

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    Maybe he'll develop nut cancer and do us a favor and not bleed off anymore social security.
  13. mrpwonder

    mrpwonder Hip Forums Supporter HipForums Supporter

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    he's just a bitter man who is self absorbed in his pro-bush materializm..did he have a "w..the president" sticker on his truck?

  14. celeste

    celeste Member

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    Maybe he was just messin' with ya.Maybe HE was trespassin,checking his 'crop' & figured buggin' ya would make you split.He was a young man once!
  15. gate68

    gate68 Senior Member

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    We were doing a marathon run to raise funds and awarness for medical marijuana.Mike was running and I was following along on a dirt bike with supplies.We were following the RR tracks from Bakersfield to Sacramento_One section entailed cutting across the back portion of a farm near Stockton.I was quickly approached by a old pickup with a shotgun sticking out the window,three rednecks sitting inside.As I stood there stumbling for words to explain Mike came running up and explained we were there to raise money for dope.They just shook their heads and sent us on our way.Later on during a bit of rain we came into I got onto the side of the freeway that was parallel to the tracks.Here I'm going the wrong way on the freeway on a dirt bike with a half ounce of Kona in my pack when I get pulled over.Once again Mike runs up tells the cop we're raising funds for Norml,he shakes his head,checks our permits and lets us go.The point is...there is no point really you just brought back a few memories.
  16. Sunburst

    Sunburst Fairy

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    I hate- HATE it when people assume that a piece of paper with some writing on it makes the entire land "their's". I mean, I would understand if you guys were hunting and pissing on things, but walking? Come on, man!

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