There are lots of big, old trees on the front side too, all along the curved driveway that connects to Pennsylvania Avenue on two corners.
maybe they know brits hate trees so it's a deterrent to getting the place burned down again like 1814 :afro:
Sure. It would look a lot better with out those trees, though. Just moved a little bit would be ok. But, fair enough. I'm losing here. P.S... I did notice major blockbusters such as ID, Whitehouse Down and Olympus has fallen use my version of the front of the building. Why? It does look more impressive.
The circle driveway is totally different now, going out to the corners of the property. Also, that block of Pennsylvania Avenue is now for pedestrians only, effectively making it part of Lafayette Park across the street. There is definitely more privacy for the residents now, and maybe a little more security too. The trees definitely helped during the 9-11 attacks. We found out later that the Pentagon was a secondary target. Before striking it, that jet circled around a couple of times, looking for the White House, and couldn't find it. (The jet that crashed in Pennsylvania was headed for the Capitol.) I've flown in and out of the local airport a few times, and looked down on the White House from the top of the Washington Monument. The trees really do obscure the building quite well, which is much smaller than all the buildings around it. It took me a while to find it from above, even though I knew exactly where to look. I agree that the back looks better. Also, that's the side where the President arrives and leaves by helicopter.
KarenJ Looking for suitable pictures, I did notice quite a lot of work has been done to the grounds over the years. Most recently, work finishing around 2012. I believe an underground facility has been installed. Probably to direct weather experiments, world domination etc. I was hoping that the back was once the front, but no luck there :/ Thanks for the detail, it is interesting