Transition regret

Discussion in 'Transexual and Transgender' started by IamNora, Sep 23, 2023.

  1. IamNora

    IamNora Newbie

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    This is so not true. I hade my therapist who was a nationally known therapist refer me for hormones within a week. And with in that same week I was told if I needed all the referrals you stated you needed I could have them. Because she would just refer me to her colleagues. So as soon as the hormone treatment was long enough I could have surgery. And my insurance would cover the bottom surgery. Now I have a D cup size breasts. And no longer think I am in the wrong body. Just have the wrong parts up top now.
    regina73 likes this.
  2. IamNora

    IamNora Newbie

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    So I guess a 13 and 14 year old is much later. IMO any 13 or 14 year old that has any surgery like this is forced by someone.
  3. KathyL

    KathyL Super Moderator Super Moderator

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    That may be your opinion, but you know what they say about opinions: everyone has one.

    I am sorry that you regret your transition.

    Cases of transition regret, like yours, invariably involve someone in a hurry, and an "informed consent" process with therapists who do not follow the international guidelines. Luckily, most people take the time to follow the normal process, and most therapists follow the WPATH standards and actually dispense useful therapy. The result is that transition regret occurs in a very, very small number of cases.
    regina73, ~Zen~ and Sir Arthur like this.
  4. IamNora

    IamNora Newbie

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    Either way 13 and 14 is too young.

    And as far as my transition. I took it slow. I only was on hormones. That’s it. And my therapist or should I say therapists of 2 which are nationally known. One of those consulting on tv multiple times. Both say they follow WPATH. Same as my third therapist as well as my endo were big on WPATH. When in reality most don’t follow WPATH. I know all about WPATH. I chose my therapist and doctors based on if they followed WPATH. I am a research nut. Over 2 years of deep research before making my first call to a therapist. So don’t preach that to me. In the real world it means nothing. My transition was over 10 years in total and I did not rush into anything. Like I said I took it slow and there was no informed consent. It was all by the guidelines. Don’t treat me like I know nothing. I’ve been in this community as long or longer than you. I have had all the surgical consults for every surgery but breasts. I have those. Big ones. I have consulted more doctors than I care to discuss. And not a single doctor, therapist or anybody thought to discuss anything but great outcomes. When we all know there are more bad outcomes than anybody will tell you. I could just not understand that but I continued. And I just did not want the pain from that surgery to remove my member and possibly have to have a revision or 2 or 3 or 4. I have sat with many who have needed 3 or more. It’s not a fun life. Because that’s what it becomes if your the lucky one. A life of revisions. And the data tells us that the probability of needing at least on revision is more probable than not. You see my transition was 10 years. My research before I started was 2-3 years. And I stopped and restarted and then stopped again. So total time is way longer than 10 years. Plus being an ally and having a son in the “community” means I am very experienced. The one thing that did happen was with most doctors and therapists was a feeling of being pushed toward their goal. Not mine. It was always do you think your trans. Not let’s talk about it and find out if you are trans. Let’s make sure. It’s a big deal if we get it wrong in either direction. And don’t tell me therapists and doctors that do that are in the minority. Because they are not. And if you say they are you may be setting up some poor confused person for a big mistake. Therapist need to help figure out if someone is trans. Not say if I think I am trans then I am trans. Because I was confused. And thank god I took it slow. If I would have had surgery I might not be here right now. So you assumed I rushed into transition. And you know what they say about assuming.
    regina73 likes this.
  5. IamNora

    IamNora Newbie

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    Also you assumed i regretted my transition. I don’t. It was a part of my life that shaped who I am now. And I like who I am now. I may be a hairless guy with breast I can’t hide unless I wear a binder. But I like my breasts. They are a part of me. Besides you would be surprised how many guys with breast who like their breasts are in this world. I sure was.
    regina73 likes this.
  6. KathyL

    KathyL Super Moderator Super Moderator

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    So in ten years, you never once said, "This isn't what I want" ? You can't blame the doctors and therapists for that.
    Sir Arthur likes this.
  7. IamNora

    IamNora Newbie

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    Umm, yes I can. And I can blame most in the community as well. And here is why. When someone first finds out about transgenderism and says to themselves that makes sense. This explains some or a lot of how I am feeling. Maybe I should talk to a therapist. And all the therapist, doctors and every person like you who think everything they know about transgenderism is the absolute 100% correct answer and anybody who says anything different than them is wrong and only affirms someone’s feelings instead of explaining all the highs as well as all the lows of transition is the blame. When I started transition I thought it was what I wanted. I started on hormones and I mentally felt better. I would go for a while and start to feel like crap. Physically and mentally. Then my endo would just up my meds. It was a loop. Feel awesome for a while and feel like crap again. What did I know. Every therapist and doctor and person on all of these sites told me the only way I would be happy is to go all the way. Nobody ever told me any of the bad about transition. EVER. And that’s wrong no matter how you try and spin it to make it my fault. It’s not all sunshine and rainbows like everyone makes it out to be. 10 years is not that long when you want to make sure before you jump. It’s my body and I am going to know everything about what’s going to happen to it. I wanted to know all possible outcomes and risks. Nobody explains them like they should. And as transition kept going, I was figuring out I would need extensive body feminization surgery.along with all the others. Only thing that happened was boobs. No hips. Not much change anywhere else. So a lot of surgery to be happy with my looks. Lots of risks I was not willing to take. The only thing people do is Affirm Affirm Affirm. If someone ask me. I ask them are they sure. And I will support any decision. But I will let them know the risks. And also tell them how it could work out if everything went perfect. And you know it’s sad how many just kick their wives to the curb. Like they meant nothing. That’s the one risk I would not take. Is losing her. I think it’s funny you moved this to the regret section. Especially since I said I did not regret it. I just stopped. Hormones only gave me huge boobs and was doing nothing else. It was an experience that shaped me and made me smarter about this subject. I think it was you I read saying if I think I am in the wrong body and I want to be a woman then I am trans. But being trans I can identify how I want. So many ways to identify. What should I choose. I don’t identify as trans. So according to the un official rules someone would be a bigot if they question how I identify. I am a guy. Who feels I would fit in and feel better about my body if I was a female. But being born male. And having the physique I do that would never be possible without a lot of surgery. I do not regret it. Did you hear me. No regrets.
    regina73 likes this.
  8. princess peedge

    princess peedge Members

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    Can I ask where you are located? I've never heard of gender reassignment surgeries being allowed for a child that young. In the US, some surgeries can be approved for 16 year olds, but even that is incredibly rare.
    KathyL likes this.

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