Tapered down to 1mg of subs which I,m plannimg on staying on for a week then tapering to .5mg for week then jumping off. WDS from subs suk, done it before. I got some 3yr. old Tramadol that Dr pescribed and I never took. I have heard that it will help take the edge off suboxne wd. Anyone try it for this before?
It may take the edge off but be careful. Tramadol is horrid shit. It can cause seizures and honestly is not really a pleasant feeling
Thanks for reply. I wasn,t sure if they,d work because of how long the bupe stays on the pain receptors.
How long have you been on SUB's? If you are down to 1mg/day and then jump to .5mg/day, doubtful you will feel any withdrawals, at least I didn't when I went from 2mgs to less than 1mg a day then jumped 10 days later!
Been on subs this time around 3 months. Started at 12mgs. It was easy tapering down. Didn,t feel much of anything bettween tapers. Went from 12mg to 8 to 6 to 4 to 3 to 2 then when I got to 1mg I started messing up and took more for a few days. I,m back on 1mg and this is day 3 on 1mg. Gonna stay on this dose for a week then .5mg for a week then jump. Hope all that makes sense. I,ve been on subs before and tapered this way with help from a sub dr. Relasped so here I go again. This time I,m doing it on my own. When I jumped off subs before the sub dr. gave me 3 sleeping pills and 3 other pills for nerves "forget what they were". Thats why I asked about the tramadol. Just in case things don,t go as smooth as last time. When I get down to the .5mg and jump I,ll let you know how it turns out. Oh ya, cutting these 8mg strips so small is a pain in the ass.
Well, didn,t stick to my taper plan off the subs as I had planned. Kept taking more, anyways I jumped around a bit but finaly jumped off around .5-1mg. Hard to cut the strips exactly. Been 3 days, nothing drastic to speak of. I,m expecting to start feeling wds tonight or tommorow. Thats usually when they hit in past. Hate the long half life of subs. Last night I took a couple of Tramadol. I get these weird cramps in my foot. You know the kind you get at night and the only way to get relief is to stand up. I allways get them very bad when withdrawing of any kind of opiate. Anyways, I,ll let you all know how this goes in a couple days.
I use Tramadol a lot for this purpose, because my Hydrocodone script runs out early about every month. I average about 250-300mg per day, and it keeps away virtually all wd symptoms. As long as you keep it below 400mg you should be ok, just keep in mind that Tramadol is addictive too.
Thanks, I,ll keep an eye on tram intake. Last night was not too bad. The usual hot and cold feeling crap but no leg/foot cramps. Slept off and on most the night. Regular wd stuff, runny eyes/nose, yawning. Feels like a cold. Could be a lot worse so I,m good with it so far. I,ll see what today brings.
Well, I wish you good luck with it. It won't last forever. Just take it one day at a time. If you have to, up the Tramadol to 400mg per day. Just don't do what I did once and take 400mg all at once. It killed the wd symptoms but gave me a pretty bad headache that no amount of aspirin would cure. 100mg 4 times per day should work fine, but it depends on the level of addiction. In addition to the Tramadol I'm taking enough Gabapentin to knock me silly. I'm having no wd's, but it seems like everything I do is in slow motion, lol.
Nothing wrong with going around in slow motion if it keeps the wds away. I,ve heard you gotta watch Gabapentin intake, sort of like Tramadol. Allthough like I said, I,ve just heard that. Anyways, hope your wds go away real soon.
Tramadol ??????? IMPORTANT NOTE: The following information ( top.drugstore24hour.com ) is intended to supplement, not substitute for, the expertise and judgment of your physician, pharmacist or other healthcare professional. It should not be construed to indicate that use of the drug is safe, appropriate, or effective for you. Consult your healthcare professional before using this drug.
I believe that warning is intended to be a disclaimer in the event of lawsuits. I see the same thing in the literature that comes with virtually every prescription I get. And as far as "consult your healthcare professional", he's the one who prescribed it in the first place. I've taken Tramadol for a while now as a supplement to Hydrocodone and I've had no problems with it. If you take it as prescribed you'll be ok.
Ya, it certainly has taken the edge off, thats for sure. Today is day 5 off the subs. Can,t wait to get this shit over with.
I believe the upper limit is around 350mg for tramadol, anything more is seizure territory. And from what I've heard and the research I've done tolerance does NOT raise the seizure threshold. Some people will be fine for a long time then one day have a seizure and hurt themselves.
Thanks, I,ve actually been taking it as prescribed. It,s one every 6 hrs or so. At least these Tramadol are good for something. I,d been prescribed them in past from doctors that knew or suspected I had opiate problem. I actually have thrown scripts for this stuff away. I also got some legit pain and have tried them just for that. Didn,t find them as effective as other pain meds. Definatly not as fun. Lets see now... it,s the beginning of day 6 sub free. Slept off and on last night, not too bad, weird ass dreams when I did sleep.